Ch 15

User-contributed content

What is web content that is created and updated by many users for many users?

Blog or web log

What is an online journal that allows users to post their own opinions, comments, graphics, and video?

Knowledge management system

Which system supports the capture, organization, and dissemination of knowledge throughout an organization?

Social media and user-generated web content

Which of the following best describes Web 2.0?


What is a website or web application that uses content from more than one source to create a completely new product or service?

Asynchronous is communication that does not occur at the same time. Synchronous communication occurs at the same time.

What is the difference between asynchronous and synchronous communication?


Using the collective power of a community to identify and classify content significantly _________ content categorization costs.

A competitor to Internet Explorer.

What is Mozilla Firefox?

Technology platform

Cell phone manufacturers often refer to their products as mobile devices. Which of the below would not be included in the folksonomy for a cell phone?

All of these:
Information vandalism
Technology dependence
Violations of copyright and plagiarism

Which of the following are challenges of Business 2.0?

Social networking

What is the practice of expanding your business and social contacts by constructing a personal network?

All of these:

Which of the below focuses on user-generated content?

Web browser

Which of the below is not a characteristic of Business 2.0?

Improving access to information.

What is one simplification that has occurred with Business 2.0?


Many social media websites use _________, or specific keywords or phrases incorporated into website content for means of classification or taxonomy.

All of these:
-How do people or businesses function if the connection is down?
-Many have a need to be continuously connected for every activity, which potentially eliminates crucial in-person social skills and could stunt psychological growth.
-Outages c

What is a potential problem or impact of technology dependence?

Open source allows anyone to be able to edit, damage, or destroy content.

Which of the following demonstrates potential issues with Business 2.0 and information vandalism?


Which social media site works by allowing content to find the users, instead of the users having to search for the content?

Blogs, wikis, mashups

Which of the following identifies Business 2.0 communication and collaboration tools?


The government has taken an active role online. Which of the following is the term that describes the use of strategies and technologies to transform government(s) by improving the delivery of services and enhancing the quality of interaction between gove

Social networking analysis

What maps group contacts, identifying who knows each other and who works together?

Connecting people by matching profile information.

What is the primary way that social networks work?

- create and maintain a profile
- create connections

What are the two basic functions that social networking sites provide?

Social networking

Which of the following is not a topic or feature that is included in Web 3.0?

Network effect

What describes how products in a network increase in value to users as the number of users increase?

all of these
- editor
- reader
- subject matter expert

Large wikis, such as Wikipedia, can protect the quality and accuracy of their information by assigning users roles such as __________.


Unlike traditional HTML, which of the following lets writers communicate and readers respond on a regular basis through a simple online journal?

Which of the following is the example of consumer-to-government (C2G) highlighted in the figure Extended Ebusiness Models?

The semantic web captures, organizes, and disseminates knowledge (i.e., know-how) throughout an organization.

Which statement below is incorrect?

Semantic web

What is a component of Web 3.0 that describes things in a way that computers can understand?

Employee opinion

Which of the following is not an example of explicit knowledge?

Tacit knowledge

What is the type of knowledge that is contained in people's heads?

Content sharing through open source
user-contributed content
collaboration inside the organization
and collaboration outside the organization.

What are the four most common Business 2.0 characteristics?

Open source

What is software whose source code is available free for any third party to review and modify?

Application Programming Interface

What does API stand for?

To share ideas.

What is one reason that Fortune 500 companies engage in blogging?


Many websites use _______ to constantly feed news to consumers instead of having the consumer search for the news.


Which of the below is not an example of a social bookmarking website?

Real Simple Syndication

What does RSS stand for?

to reconnect with colleagues for business progress

A social bookmarking site is dedicated to providing all of the following except ________.

Source code

Erik is the president and owner of Watch Out, a local website development company that helps clients create and build unique websites. Many of his daily tasks are heavily technical in nature and require a high level of computer programming and Internet kn

A wiki user can alter the original content of an article, but a blog user can only add information as a comment.

What is the difference between a wiki and a blog?

Building software applications.

A company's internal wiki can be a great tool for all of the following except:

Based on the "intelligent" web, where applications use natural language processing

Which of the following best describes Web 3.0?

By allowing users to upload images and tag the images with their own keywords.

How would a company like Flickr use social tagging on its website?

Technical skills are required.

Which of the below is not a characteristic of Business 2.0?

Mozilla's Firefox is a prime example of a reputation system.

Which of the below is not a characteristic associated with Mozilla's Firefox?

Social networking analysis

What is an SNA?

Explicit knowledge

What is the type of knowledge that consists of anything that can be documented, archived, and codified, often with the help of an MIS department?

Explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge

What are the two categories that include intellectual and knowledge-based assets?

Open system

What is a system that consists of nonproprietary hardware and software based on publicly known standards that allows third parties to create add-on products to plug into or interoperate with the system?

A broad, general term that describes nonproprietary IT hardware and software made available by the standards and procedures by which their products work, making it easier to integrate them

What is an open system?


What is the practice of sending brief posts, only 140-200 characters long, to a personal blog, either publicly or to a private group of subscribers?

microblogging website

Twitter is an example of a __________.

The masses posting content for the masses.

Ebusiness was characterized by a few companies or users posting content for the masses. What characterizes Business 2.0?

All of these:
Mobile business

How would you categorize mobile entertainment, mobile sales, mobile ticketing, and mobile banking?

Through search terms that match the content.

How do the majority of potential customers find business websites?

All of these:
Organize it for future navigation
Organize it for future filtering
Organize it for future search

Social tagging describes the collaborative activity of marking shared online content with keywords or tags as a way to ______________.

Mobile business

What is the ability to purchase goods and services through a wireless Internet-enabled device?

reputation system

eBay buyers voluntarily comment to other users and sellers on the quality of service, promptness of shipping, and their general satisfaction with the product. This is one of the most popular examples of user-generated content and is called a(n) __________

Knowledge management

What is the most common form of collective intelligence found inside the organization?


Which of the following is one of the largest wikis on the web and one of the 10 most popular web destinations?

Social media

What are websites that rely on user participation and user-contributed content, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube?

building software applications

An API is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for ______________.

Collective intelligence

Lisa loves her job as an executive recruiter for a large hospital located in Dallas, Texas. Part of Lisa's job requires her to gather industry information, collaborate with partners, compare competitors, and tap into the knowledge of prospective employees

All of these:
- To find potential job candidates via LinkedIn.
- To review potential job candidates by viewing their Facebook page.
- To attract new job candidates via YouTube.

Which of the below represents an example of why an employer would use social media?

User-generated content

What do Netflix and Amazon use to drive their recommendation tools?

The ability to use current devices such as iPhones and laptops as credit cards or tickets.

What statement below describes Web 3.0's feature that ensures the "integration of legacy devices"?

Static text-based information websites

Which of the following best describes Web 1.0?

What website was the primary catalyst for growing electronic government and is the official U.S. gateway to all government information?

All of these:
Often it allows the user to drag and drop data points into a web application.
To provide a visual interface to build up a mashup.

What is the role of a mashup editor?

Website bookmark

What is a locally stored URL or the address of a file or Internet page saved as a shortcut?

Web 2.0 is a simple static website without any interaction with its users.

Which statement below is inaccurate?


What is the term that is similar to taxonomy except that crowdsourcing determines the tag or keyword-based classification system?

John Seigenthaler Sr. was assistant to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy in the early 1960s and was involved in Kennedy's assassination as well as JFK's.

One of the most famous examples of wiki vandalism occurred when a false biography entry stated which of the following?

Collaboration system

Which of the following is a set of tools that supports the work of teams or groups by facilitating the sharing and flow of information?