Chapter 15:4 Observing Standard Precautions

Name three pathogens spread by blood and body fluids that are a major concern to health care workers.

1. Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
2. Hepatitis C virus (HCV)
3. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) which causes AIDS

What federal agency established standards for contamination with blood or body fluids that must be followed by all health care facilities?

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) established Bloodborne Pathogen Standards

Name four types of personal protective equipment (PPE) that an employer must provide

1. gloves
2. gowns
3. lab coats
4. mask/face shields

Can a health care worker drink coffee in a laboratory where blood tests are performed? Why or Why not?

No, you can not drink coffee in a laboratory as well as eating, smoking, drinking, and applying cosmetics or lip balm handling contact lense, and mouth pipetting or suctioning

What responsibilities does an employer have id an employee is splashed with blood when a tube containing blood breaks?

Provide a confidential medical evaluation and follow-up for any employee who has an exposure incident

List four main requirments that employers must meet as a result of the Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act

1. Identify and use effective and safer medil devices
2. Incorporate changes in annual update of Exposure control plan
3. Solicit in put from honmangerial patient care
4. Maintain a sharps injury log

When must standard precautions be used?

When chance you could come in contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials

Describe four situations when gloves must be worn

1. Whenever contact with blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions mucous membranes, tissue specimens, or nonintact skin is possible
2. Handling or cleaning any contaminated items or surfaces
3. When pretaining any invasive procedure
4. When performing v

When must gowns be worn?

During any procedure that is likely to cause splashing or spraying of blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions

Describe three examples of situations ehen mask, protective eyewear, or face shields must be worn

1. During procedures that may produce splashes or sprays of blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions
2. Dental procedures
3. Dilivery of a baby and surgical procedure

When must masks be changed?

masks should be changed every 30 minutes or anytime they become wet or moist

How must needles and syringes be handled after use?

disposable needles must be left uncapped and attached to the syring and placed in leak proof puncture resistant sharp container

During a blood test, some splashes on the laboratory counter. How must it be removed?

must be wiped up immediately. The area must then be cleaned with a disposible disinfectant solution wipes such as a low-percent bleach solution

What is the purpose of mouthpieces or resuscitation devices?

to avoid the need for mouth-to-mouth resuscitation

Where must you discard a dressing contaminated with blood and pus?

special infectious waste or biohazardous material bags

What must you do if you stick yourself with a contaminated needle?

must be reported immediately