1.04 and 1.05 test health science 1

Which is a muscle of the arm?

Triceps brachii

Which muscle is located on the head?

Zygomaticus major

which muscle is on the posterior of the lower leg?


injury to a muscle which involves tearing and bleeding of the muscle is called?


Which body structure is made up of smooth muscle?

stomach wall

Sam works out at the gym 3 to 4 times a week. he can lift more weight than any of his classmates. A term for sam's muscles is?

muscular hypertrophy

Cory stretches every night after running. What is his desired outcome?


Exercising for prolong periods without adequate rest would cause a

build in lactic acid

Jenna's leg has been in a cast for four weeks due too a fracture. Her physicians ordered her to go to physical therapy. P.T will help treat?

muscle atrophy

Joe lifts weights daily. He has a bluging through a week abdominal muscle. What is his diagnosis?


Marry is 44 years old, she has weakness in her eyes, difficulty chewing and swallowing. these symptoms describe?

myasthenia gravis

sitting erect in your desk and walking without hunching demonstrate which muscular system function


when joe flexes his bicep


regular excercise and training will?

improve muscle tone

Mary has muscle pain, fatigue, sleeping difficulties, depression and exercise intolerance. her doctor has prescribed only symptomatic treatment and states that this disorder is most common in women. Mary is diagnosis is?
