Chapter 1 Introduction to Earth Science

Why do earth scientist often use models and computer simulations

They use them to represent complex objects or models and to test a hypothesis

How does science relate to technology?

Science is the study if the natural world. Technology, on the other hand changes or modifies the natural world to meet human needs or solve problems


a way of learning about the natural world through observations and logical reasoning; leads to a body of knowledge


the process of using one or more of your senses to gather information


the process of making an inference, an interpretation based on observations and prior knowledge


the process of forecasting what will happen in the future based on past experience or evidence

scientific inquiry

the ongoing process of discovery in science; the diverse ways in which scientists study the natural world and propose explanations based on evidence they gather


a possible explanation for a set of observations to answer to a scientific questions; must be testable

controlled experiment

an experiment in which only one variable is manipulated at a time


a factor that can change in an experiment

manipulated variable

the one factor that a scientist changes during an experiment; also called independent variable

responding variable

the factor that changes as a result of changes to the manipulated, or independent, variable in an experiment; also called dependent variable


facts, figures, and other evidence gathered through observations

scientific theory

a well-tested concept that explains a wide range of observations

scientific law

a statement that describes what scientists expect to happen every time under a particular set of conditions

Earth science

the science that focuses on planet Earth and its place in the universe


a group of related parts that work together


the ability to do work or cause change

constructive force

a force that builds up mountains and landmasses on Earth's surface

destructive force

a force that slowly wears away mountains and other features on the surface of Earth


a scientist who studies the forces that make and shape planet Earth


a scientist who studies Earth's oceans


a scientist who studies the causes of weather and tries to predict it


a scientist who studies the universe beyond Earth

environmental scientist

a scientist who studies the effects of human activities on Earth's land, air, water, and living things and also tries to solve problems relating to the use of resources


how people modify the world around them to meet their needs or to solve practical problems


a person who is trained to use both technological and scientific knowledge to solve practical problems


a summary of what you have learned from a experiment

What is the Nature of Inquiry

Pose a questions
Form a hypothesis
Collect and interpret data
Draw a conclusion
This can be done in any order

Why is the scientific inquiry a process with many paths, not rigid sequence of steps?

Because observations at each stage can modify your hypothesis which will change your answer in the long run.

What is communicating?

Sharing Ideas and experimental findings with others.

You can think of___________ as a rule of nature

Scientific law

Future testing can prove a scientific theory to be incorrect. True or Flase


How is a scientific law unlike a scientific theory?

Unlike a theory, a scientific law describes an observed pattern in nature without attempting to explain it.

What is Earth Science?

Earth Science is the body of knowledge that deals with Earth and it's place in the universe.

What are the four Spheres

Atmosphere (the body of air which surrounds our planet - air), Lithosphere (the solid, rocky crust covering entire planet - ground), Hydrosphere (composed of all of the water on or near the earth - water), and Biosphere (composed of all living organisms).

Explain how earth can considered a system?

Because the four spheres aren't separate, they make up Earth's system.

What is the source for many processes on this earth?

The sun, it's energy is transferred to the Earth as radiation, a form of energy that can move through space.

What is the difference between constructive and destructive forces on the earths surface.

Constructive forces shape and build the Earths surface with landmasses. Destructive forces slowly wear away mountains and every other feature on earth.

What is one reason that scientist are interested in studying other planets.

Because understanding the other planets will help understand earths history.

Scientist who study the hydrosphere are called


If you explain or interpret something based on your experience, you are making an


Scientific inquiry often begins with

posing questions

A possible explanation for a set of observations or answer to a scientific question is a


Can a hypothesis be accepted as true after one test?

No it cannot because scientist will want to repeat the experiment so they can determine if there first result were correct.

What is the role of responding variable.

To change due to the manipulated variable.

What are three ways scientist communicate their ideas

by giving talks through meetings, exchanging info, on the internet, and publishing books,

Two sources of energy for the processes of the Earth are

the sun and the heat of the interior

Any group of people that live together and have common interests


You should prep for lab...

a day before the lab day.

When you have completed a lab you should...

clean up your work area.

If you spill something on your skim you should..

Flush it with large amounts of water.

Environmental scientist

they study the Earth's environment and resources as well as determine the effects of human activity on the Earth's land, air, water, and living things

Five things you should do when you complete a lab experiment...

turn off/unplug everything
return items to their original places
dispose of wastes properly
wipe down your work area
wash hands thoroughly

Once the experiment is complete, what must a scientist do to determine whether the data supports the hypothesis?

They must first interpret the data to then draw a conclusion of the results. If needed, they would run more tests if further data is needed

If you could visit Earth one million years from now, would the land surface look the same?

No, the land surface would look completely different due to the constructive and destructive forces. Many famous mountains would be mostly worn if not gone, and tons of new features would exist.

Which type of Earth scientist studies the lithosphere? and why?

Geologist - hard, rocky layer

Which type of Earth scientist studies the hydrosphere? and why?

Oceanographer - water of the earth

Which type of Earth scientist studies the atmosphere? and why?

Meteorologist - Earth's weather

How is geology and astronomy similar? different?

similar - both work to learn more about earths history
different - geologists study on earth, astronomers study earths surroundings

What are the three technologies of the Information Age? How have they affected society?

Cell phones, satellites, and fast computers. They allow people to share info very fast.