Safety Precations Test

What is the most common type of injury experienced by health care workers?

Back Injury

Which of the following is not a goal of body mechanics in geriatric and rehabilitation patients?

Gain a competitive physical advantage

Meredith needs to transfer Mr. Grey to a wheelchair and take him to therapy. After putting on the transfer belt, Meredith realizes that Mr. Grey is too heavy for her to lift alone. What should she do next?

Ask another health care worker for help

Which tool should be used when transferring a patient from a bed to a wheelchair?

Transfer Belt

What is the best way to push an object?

By leaning into the object with your body weight

During a patient transfer from bed to wheelchair, where should the wheelchair be placed?

Beside the bed and against the wall

In what position is a patient lying on the back?


Which muscles are the strongest in your body?

Leg Muscles

What is body mechanics?

Positioning the body in ways that prevent injury

Which of the following is NOT true of patient transfers?

Use a transfer belt only if a patient is elderly.

Always bend at your ____.

hips and knees

What should you do if a patient is too heavy for you to move alone?

Ask a co-worker for help

When carrying a heavy object, where should you hold the object?

Close to your body

Which of the following situations is best handled by the Fowler's bed position?

An older patient in a hospital room has respiratory problems

Which of the following is true of body mechanics?

Muscles are most productive when they are used correctly.

How often should high traffic areas in a health care facility be cleaned?


What is one of the most important guidelines to providing a safe environment in a health care facility?

Know the surroundings

What is the study of promoting the safety of a person by adapting the environment and preventing injury?


Which of the following is true of housekeeping in the medical facility?

Clean up any spills you create or find immediately.

Which of the following agencies is responsible for protecting human health and the environment?


Which of the following agencies is responsible for protecting and advancing public health?


Why should you knock and ask for permission before entering a patient's room?

It makes the patient feel comfortable and secure.

What type of attitude should a health care worker have when interviewing a victim of an accident?

Concerned and non-threatening

Jerry has greeted and identified his patient. Now he needs to change the dressing on a wound. What should he do next?

Explain the procedure to the patient.

In what type of setting should a health care worker interview a victim of an accident?

In a private, confidential setting

When should an event report be filed?

When an accident involves a patient, employee, or visitor

Which two items should be used to identify a patient?

Name and birth date

What should a health care worker do before entering a patient's room?

Knock and ask for permission to enter

Waterford Community Hospital is in the process of becoming more ergonomically correct. Which of the following is a correct use of ergonomic principles?

Bright visiting areas with several plants

Which of the following agencies is responsible for enforcing safety standards in the workplace?


What should a health care worker do immediately after a safety violation occurs?

Report it to the supervisor.

Which of the following is NOT true of safety policies and procedures?

All health care facilities have the same policies and procedures.

How can you confine a fire to an area?

Close doors and windows

What is a sickness that results from eating a food that is infected with bacteria?

Foodborne illness

In order to survive, bacteria need moisture, oxygen, and what?

Warm temperature

Which of the following is NOT a safe way to prepare foods?

Keep raw and cooked meat together to prolong freshness.

There is a fire on the second floor of the Community Rehabilitation Center. Camilla is trying to lead her patients to safety, but the primary exit is blocked by fire. What should Camilla try next?

Use the secondary exit.

Which of the following is NOT true of fire safety?

Use an elevator to evacuate patients who cannot walk.

Which government agency requires that employees are made aware of all hazardous chemical in the workplace?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

At what angle should a patient's hips be positioned in for mealtime?


Symptoms of foodborne illness resemble ____.

the flu

What is the purpose of material safety data sheets?

To list information such as precautions and possible hazards of a chemical

Where should you point the nozzle of a fire extinguisher when you are putting out a fire?

The base of the fire

Dominic needs some bleach to clean up a spill. He finds a bottle of cleaning solution, but there is no label on it. What should he do?

Look for a bottle with a label.

What should be offered to a patient between every few bites of food?

A drink

Which of the following acronyms can help you remember what steps to take if a fire should occur in your facility?


Why should surfaces that touch food be sanitized?

To destroy microorganisms

How many times should you read a label before using a chemical solution?

3 times