Chapter 5: Dealing with Anxiety and Depression


the condition of feeling uneasy or worried about what may happen; a response to life events; feelings of insecurity, fear, self consciousness, panic; stress


a prolonged feeling of helplessness, hopelessness and sadness; may produce symptoms that usually last a long time; major depression (intense and can last for months), mild depression (less intense but last for years) and adjustment disorder (reaction to s

coping with anxiety

stress management techniques; alcohol/drugs

warning signs of depression

sad or irritable mood
loss of interest in activities
signif change in appetite or weight
not sleeping/ oversleeping
physical signs of nervousness
loss of energy
feelings or worthlessness
difficulty concentrating
thoughts of death

causes and effects of depression

Caused by physical illness or medical condition
caused by traumatic life events
caused by social or environmental factors (harmful environ)
changes in thinking (trouble making decisions)
changes in feelings (lost of feelings and interests or ple


lack of strong feeling, interest or concern

mental disorder

an illness of the mind that can affect the thought, feelings and behaviors of a person, preventing him or her from leading a happy healthful and productive life; many feel embarrassed or ashamed to get treatment


mark of shame or disapproval that results in an individ being shunned or rejected by others

anxiety disorder

condition in which real or imagined fears are difficult to control; one of most common health problems among teens; ppl try to avoid situations that make them feel anxious or fearful


strong, irrational fear of something specific; heights or social


persistent thoughts, fears or urges or obsessions leading to uncontrollable repetative behaviors; fear of germs leads to constant hand washing

panic disorder

attacks of sudden unexplained feelings of terror; accompanied by trembling, increased heart rate, shortness of breath or dizziness


condition that may develop after exposure to a terrifying event; symptoms include flashbacks, nightmares, emotional numbness, guilt, sleeplessness, problems concentrating

GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)

exaggerated worry tension for no reason; easily have difficulty concentrating, relaxing and sleeping

impulse control disorders

ppl with this disorder can't resist the urge to hurt themselves or others; usually begin in childhood; may cause physical harm to self or others; may cause financial harm and may lose friends


unplanned theft of objects


repetative cutting on parts of the body that can be hidden


setting fires to feel pleasure or release tension

excessive gambling

continuing to gamble despite heavy losses

compulsive shopping

spending money on items that you cant afford and don't need

eating disorders

anorexia; bulimia; obesity; unhealthful weight loss or gain

mood disorder

illness that involves mood extremes that interfere with everyday living

conduct disorder

patterns of behavior in which the rights f others or basic social rules are violated;
stealing, cruelty, lying, aggression, violence, vandalism


when a person loses contact with reality; delusions, hallucinations and thought disorders; ppl behave unpredictabily


feeling isolated and separated from everyone else; unable to cope with diff life experiences; may lack support from family and friends and be unable to access community resources for help; may seek to escape pain and consider suicide


act of intentionally taking one's own life; 17% of all teens from 15-19 consider suicide and half will attempt it

cluster suicides

series of suicides occurring within a short period of time and involving several people in the same school or community; may all know each other or share the same environmental factor (tragic event in community)

suicide risk factors

depression/mental disorders; alcohol/drugs: used to relieve pain/depression but really only increase self destructive behaviors

warning signs of suicide

direct statements as "I wish I were dead"
indirect statements as "I can't take it anymore"
writing poems, lyrics, diaries that deal with death
direct or indirect suicide threats
unusual obsession with death
withdrawal from friends
dramatic changes in pers

how you can help someone who is considering suicide

initiate a meaningful conversation
show support and ask questions
persuade person to seek help

ppl seek help if...

feeling trapped
feelings that affect sleep, eating habits, schoolwork, job performance and relationships
becoming involved with alcohol and drugs
becoming increasingly aggressive, violent or reckless

when asking for help...

asking for help is a sign of inner strength; shows responsibility for one's own wellness
serious disorders, compulsions and addictions are complex and require professional intervention
sharing your thoughts with an objective, helpful individ can be a grea


professional who handles personal and educational matters

school psychologist

professional who specializes in assessment of learning, emotional and behavioral problems of school children


a physician who diagnoses and treats mental disorders and can prescribe medications


a physical who specializes in physical disorders of the brain and nervous system

clinical psychologist

a professional who diagnoses and treats emotional and behavioral disorders with counseling; some can prescribe meds

psychiatric social worker

a professional who provides guidance and treatment for emotional problems in a hospital, mental health clinic or family service angency


an ongoing dialogue between a patient and a mental health professional; dialogue designed to find cause of problem and seek a solution

behavior therapy

a treatment process that focuses on changing unwanted behaviors through rewards and reinforcements

cognitive therapy

treatment method designed to identify and correct distorted thinking patterns that can lead to feelings and behaviors that may be troublesome, self defeating and self destructive

family therapy

helps the family function in more positive and constructive ways by exploring patterns in communication and providing support and education; most successful with all family to attend sessions

group therapy

treatment of a group of people who have similar problems and who meet regularly with a trained counselor

drug therapy

use of certain medications to treat or reduce the symptoms of a mental disorder (medical marijuana)

bipolar disorder

extreme mood changes, energy levels and behaviors; extreme highs to extreme lows instantly