Health information oganization and supervision

A Federal regulatory agency is established by lawmakers to control a specific industry


In recent decades, government and insurers have exerted control over much of health care's money supply


Corporate mergers and the formation of health care systems have invariably resulted in widespread reductions in health care costs.


The pace of technological change in health care has slowed considerably over the recent decade


Managed care organizations have brought pressure to bear on hospitals and physicians to reduce the length of hospital stays.


A formal agreement between member facilities to officially coordinate and share certain activities is referred to as:

an affiliation

The majority of regulatory requirements on health care are concerned with cost or quality


The principal driving force behind the growth of health maintenance organizations (HMOs) has been:

the desire of payer to cut excessive costs or reduce costs overall

A group of registered nurses open an independent health clinic in a local shopping mall. This clinic offers walk-in, non-emergency care. The opening of this clinic in the same geographic area as the hospital is an example of

bureaucratic imperialism

The administration of a hospital invites the owner of a home health care agency to serve as a voting member on the hospital's area wide planning commission. This is an example of

formal cooptation

An acute care hospital has declared a three year moratorium on building due to uncertainty about economic and demographic shifts in its local area. This is an example of


The owners of an independent rehabilitation center have made the decision to add new specialty service for sports-related injuries to its existing range of services. This is an example of

goal expansion

Which of the following are characteristics of the youth stage in the organizational life cycle?

all of the above

Which of the following are characteristics of middle age phase in the organizational life cycle?

all of the above

Which of the following are characteristics of the old age phase of the life cycle?

all of the above

Resistance to change is a natural state within the individual.


The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was passed principally to ensure that workers could change jobs without being denied health insurance based on preexisting conditions.


A manager can take on the function of change agent by creating a change-ready environment.


Conformance with the requirements of HIPAA has cost many organizations considerably more than the government's estimates


There is presently a reasonable chance that HIPAA, because of its unpopularity among health care providers, will be repealed.


Ordering employees to comply with clear, specific instructions is probably the most effective means of ensuring acceptance of change.


The implementation of the electronic health record is an example of proactive change.


Implementation of changes within an organization in response to the electronic health record initiatives is the primary responsibility of the American Medical Association.


A stakeholder in the implementation processes associated with the electronic health record is the American Medical Informatics Association.


The American Health Information Management Association's legislative advocacy program primarily focuses on the personal health record.


The Patient Self Determination Act of 1990

- addresses end-of-life decisions and care related thereto.
- provides for the use of living wills, health care proxies, and advance directives.
- was made necessary in part by technological advances in life-support systems.

Of the following, what is a reason for employees' resistance to change?

all of the above

In addition to encouraging acceptance of a necessary change affecting their jobs, involvement of employees in changing methods and practices is valuable because

it can empower employees with a sense of ownership of the change.

Which of the following are characteristics of the change process associated with adjustments to Y2K?

all of the above