HTR Unit C & D

Mr. Smith is having trouble reading the newspaper because the words are blurry. He complains that the print is too small. What health facility would most likely help Mr. Smith?

Optical Center

What can patients do at a hospital that they CANNOT do at a clinic?

Spend the night

What statement is true for MOST medical offices?

Services include examination, diagnosis, and treatment

What type of long-term care facility functions as a bridge between hospital and home?

Extended care facilities

The Duke Children's Hospital in Durham is an example of what type of hospital?

Specialty hospital

An example of a government hospital is:

Ft. Bragg Army Hospital

Most small town hospitals are classified as:

General hospitals

Managed care networks are required to provide quality care:

At the lowest possible cost.

What do the initials HMO stand for?

Health Maintenance Organization

Mrs. Carter must pay $15 each time she visits her physician. This payment is called:


Medicare is best described as health insurance for the:


The amount of money that must be paid by the patient for medical services before the policy begins to pay is the:


Joan tells Lakisha, "You should try my doctor. She's excellent." Lakisha replies, "I can't. Your doctor is not on my list of approved providers." She MOST LIKELY has:


If someone has Type B Medicare, what must the consumer pay for services?

A premium, initial deductible and 20%

A person who is blind is eligible for what type of state-administered assistance program?


Worker's compensation is administered by the:


TRICARE is a health insurance plan funded by the U.S. Government for:

The military and their families.

Sally begins her new job as a nursing assistant at Shady Pines Nursing Center on Monday. What should she do before purchasing a uniform?

Check the facility's dress code for nursing assistants.

After studying four hours for his final exam, Matt sticks to his plan and goes to bed at 10 p.m. He understands that getting enough sleep will:

Improve his mental alertness and ability to deal with stress.

Juan is overweight and wants to lose weight to improve his overall health. What could he do to help him improve his diet?

Follow the Food Guide Pyramid

Cynthia's feet hurt after standing up all day on the job at the local pharmacy. What might she do to improve this problem?

Get well fitting shoes with low heals and good support.

What characteristics of personal appearance can be used to create a positive first impression?

Well groomed natural appearance

Jill loves to dance and hopes to continue to dance 3-4 times a week because she understands that regular exercise:

Maintains circulation and improves muscle tone.

Regarding drug and alcohol use, it is TRUE that:

Most health care facilities are "smoke-free.

Beyonce has long hair and is scheduled to job-shadow on a pediatric unit. She should:

Pull her hair back to avoid patient contact.

All clinical uniforms should include :

A name badge

Linda placed her new ring on a safety pin and pinned it inside her uniform pocket. By doing this she will likely avoid:

Injury to a patient or transmission of germs.

A nursing assistant is called to the nursing supervisor's office for a professional appearance violation. The assistant MOST LIKELY:

Had on red nail polish

A dental patient tells the assistant, "I hate coming to the dentist." An empathetic response would be:

Many people find dental work uncomfortable.

A high school senior is interviewing for a job as a veterinary assistant. The veterinarian asks the student to give an example of his/her dependability. What response would be best?

I am never absent from school and always turn in my assignments on time.

A health care worker who demonstrates self-motivation would:

Figure out what needs to be done and go ahead and do it.

An elderly patient is loud, demanding, impatient and critical. The patient's son asks "Is my mother causing you trouble?" You respond by saying "Your mother speaks her mind and knows what she wants." Your response is an example of what personal characteri


What form of non-verbal communication would convey caring to a patient?

Gently touch the patient's arm

Janice sends an e-mail to Jack, asking him if he can come to work early. Jack replies that he will. Using the communication model, Jack is the:


Boma says hello to Marta as he walks past her. Marta smiles at Boma. Using the communication model, what is the feedback?

Marta's smile

What is wrong with a nurse asking a 13 year-old girl if she has been NPO since midnight?

The receiver may not understand the message.

A nurse is giving instructions to a mother who is holding her screaming baby. The nurse should understand that:

The baby's behavior could distract the mother and interfere with communication.

Mrs. Mincielli tells her doctor she is frightened. The doctor asks Mrs. Mincielli to explain. What behavior would further demonstrate the doctor's listening skills?

Maintaining eye contact and trying to understand Mrs. Mincielli's fears.

Mr. Parks tells Jill that he just cannot stay in the hospital. Jill is not sure what he means. She should:

Ask him to explain

A patient is frowning and tapping his fingers. What message is he sending?

I have lost patience.

Greta knows that her patient, Mr. Porter, is hearing impaired. When Greta talks to Mr. Porter, she should:

Face him and speak clearly in short sentences.

Melanie walks into a patient's room. In a soft tone of voice, she says "Hi Mr. Jones. It's Melanie, your nursing assistant. I have your lunch tray. Looks like you are having a turkey sandwich." Melanie's communication is appropriate if Mr. Jones:

Is blind

Mr. Ono is a new patient. When his doctor talks to him, Mr. Ono looks down at the floor. What communication barrier MOST LIKELY would explain Mr. Ono's lack of eye contact.


Mr. Poweres has the flu. What observation would a health care worker make with his/her sense of touch?

Hot, dry skin

In a patient's progress notes, what would a physician record as a subjective observation?

Patient complains of feeling dizzy.

HIPPA standards related to:

Respect for the private information in medical records.

The receptionist, physician, nurse and office manager are all part of what health care team?

Medical office team

All members of the health care team work together to:

Serve the patient's needs.

Paul is the head nurse in a hospital unit. Carmen and Juan are two staff nurses. Carmen constantly complains about Juan. What should Paul do?

Help Carmen and Juan try to solve their differences.

Karen is a veterinary assistant. She notices that two other assistants seem to get praise and attention. What should she do to develop good interpersonal relationships on the job?

Do the best she can in her job and maintain a positive attitude.

Megan is a new pharmacy technician. She made three mistakes on her first day at work. What should she do the next day?

Have a positive attitude and listen carefully to suggestions from co-workers.

David is the new director of the local rescue squad. What statement would indicate he understands professional leadership?

We will work together to provide the best quality care for the people of this town.

A good leader believes that the group:

Will succeed.

A democratic leader is often described as a:

Good listener.

Jarvis is a dentist who is very demanding with his staff. He always tells them what to do, when to do it, and ignores their suggestions. Jarvis could be described as a:

Autocratic leader

How should females sit when on a stage in front of an audience?

With feet crossed at the ankles.

An example of a typical stressor would be:

Getting an F on a test.

Penny is a high school student who feels very stressed. What is the first step she should take in learning how to control her stress?

Identify the things that are stressing her

When using the problem-solving method, what should be done after you identify the problem?

List possible solutions

A group used the problem solving model to tackle a problem. After they implement their plan to solve the problem, what should they do next?

Determine if the solution worked

Darlene is stressed and her best friend tells Darlene should renew herself. What action by Darlene would let you know she took her friend's advice?

Learning a new hobby

You just witnessed a car accident. Everyone is OK, but your heart is pounding and you are shaking. What should you do to break out of the stress response?

Take slow, deep breaths and think about calming down.

One of the most common stress reducing techniques is to:

Focus on your successes

Carla has trouble calming down before a test. Her teacher tells her to use imagery to handle stress, so Carla:

Imagines herself sitting in the sun at the beach

What is the FIRST thing a person should do if he/she wants to use the problem-solving method to solve a problem?

Gather information or data

What stress-reducing technique would provide the most long-term relief for life's daily stressors?

Eat balanced meals and exercise regularly

Time management strategies focus on:

Making the most of the time you have

Jerry created a time management plan and increased his housework productivity. This means he:

Completed more tasks in the same amount of time.

What would provide the MOST help in letting Janet know how she uses her time?

Personal time management summary chart

An example of a personal long-term goal might be:

Graduate from medical school

A productive short-term goal for a high school senior might be to:

Apply for ten different scholarships.

The best way to make goals seem real and attainable is to:

Write goals down

Someone with good time management skills usually makes:

A daily "to do" list.

Jenna is trying to learn to manage her time. She makes a list of tasks to accomplish and crosses each task off the list when completed.What should she do when she completes a particularly challenging task?

Reward her with a short break

Astudent is starting college. What gift would provide the MOST help with time management?

A daily planner

A group of students are responsible for their club's float in a holiday parade. What time management strategy would provide the MOST help?

Plan the work from start to finish