HOSA Bowl Review for Principles #1 - Short Answer

Identify three services offered by medical offices.

� diagnosis
� treatment
� examinations
� basic laboratory testing
� minor surgery

What services are provided by dental laboratories?

preparation of dentures and other devices used to repair or replace teeth

List three examples of services provided by home health care agencies.

� nursing care
� personal care
� therapy
� homemaking

What is the name of the federal agency responsible for regulating food and drug products sold to the public?

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

What is the name of the federal agency establishes and enforces standards that protect workers from job-related injuries and illnesses?

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

In 85 percent - 15 percent co-insurance, what percentage of medical expenses must be paid by the insured person?

15 percent

Why does an individual maintain a better state of health under health maintenance organization (HMOs)?

ready access to health examination and early treatment and detection of disease

What is the name of the health insurance plan that provides treatment for workers injured on the job?

Workers' Compensation

What groups of people are covered by Medicare?

all individuals over the age of 65 and any person with a disability who has received Social Security benefits for at least two years

What is the federal act that requires states to establish states to establish training and competency evaluation programs for nursing and geriatric assistants?

Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) of 1987

Identify at least three different methods of cost containment, and briefly describe how each method tries to control the rising cost of health care.

� diagnostic related groups: limit is placed on the cost of care based on the diagnosis classification, health care agencies are encouraged to provide care within the expense limit allowed
� combination of services: clinics, laboratories shared by differe

Discuss the basic regulations established by OBRA of 1987.

� States must establish training and competency evaluation programs for nursing and geriatric assistants
� Workers must complete state-approved training program and pass a written and/or competency examination
� Nursing assistants must also obtain continu

Discuss four alternative methods of health care, and explain why it is important for health care workers to be aware of these methods.


List three people in history who made an important contribution to health care. Briefly describe each person's contribution and why you think it is important.

Answers will vary. Make sure student clearly states why the contribution was important.

What is the name of the federal agency that researches the quality of health care delivery and identifies the standards of treatment that should be provided?

Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR)

Choose any two health care careers that you might like to enter. For each career, list the education required, potential places of employment, and the basic duties or tasks performed in the career. Then briefly describe why you feel you would be qualified

Answers will vary. Use the list of careers in Unit 2 to ascertain that the information is correct.

List the five main factors that contribute to good health.

� diet
� rest
� exercise
� good posture
� avoid use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs

Identify three ways to control body odor.

� daily shower/bath
� deodorant
� oral hygiene
� clean undergarments/clothing

What color undergarments should be worn with a white uniform?

white or neutral

List three basic rules that apply to the hair in order to maintain a professional appearance.

� clean
� neat
� styled attractively
� no extreme styles
� easy to care for
� pinned back
� kept off the collar

How does a health care worker determine which type of or color uniform is required?

check agency policy

Discuss three personal qualities you have that will contribute to your success as a health care worker. Explain why you feel you have these qualities.

answers will vary; students should provide concrete answers for their selections.

Discuss the three personal qualities required in health care workers that you feel you must develop. Identify ways you can strive to develop these qualities so that you will become a more competent health care worker.

answers will vary; students should provide concrete answers for their selections.

List the four-step method that is used to gain control of and manage stressors.

stop what you are doing
breathe slowly and deeply
reflect or think about the problem
choose how you want to deal with the stress

List five-stress reducing techniques that can be used to manage stress.

� live a healthy life
� take breaks
� take a warm bath
� listen to music
� shut your eyes and concentrate on relaxing each tense muscle
� talk with a friend
� meditate
� use imagery to relax
� find a leisure activity or hobby
� renew yourself and learn ne

Differentiate between short- and long-term goals.

if usually takes days, weeks, or months to accomplish short-term goals, while it may take a period of years of even a lifetime to accomplish long-term goals
short-term goals are the smaller steps to reach long-term goals

Differentiate between civil and criminal law.

civil law focuses on legal relationships between people and the protection of a person's rights
criminal law focuses on wrongs against a person

Identify the tort that could apply in each of the following examples:
a) A physician fails to administer a tetanus injection when a person has a puncture wound.
b) A patient is burned by moist compresses that are too hot.
c) Information is given to an ins

a) malpractice
b) negligence
c) invasion of privacy
d) abuse (verbal)
e) slander

Name the three parts of a contract.

offer, acceptance, consideration

Differentiate between an implied and an expressed contract.

implied contract is an obligation understood without verbally expressed terms
expressed contact is stated in distinct and clear language, either orally or in writing

Give three examples of individuals who have legal disability.

� minors
� mentally incompetent persons
� individuals under the influence of drugs that alter the mental state
� semiconscious or unconscious persons

Give three examples of privileged communication that are exempt by law and must be reported.

� births
� deaths
� injuries caused by violence
� drug abuse
� communicable diseases
� sexually transmitted diseases

How should an error be corrected on a written health care record?

crossed out with a single line so material is still readable, correct information inserted, initialed, and dated

When health care records are disposed of after the legal time for retention, how should they be destroyed?

shredded or burned

Identify two safeguards that are used to maintain computer confidentiality.

limited personnel who have access to information
require passwords in order to access information
monitor and evaluate computer use

List five rules of ethics that apply in most health care occupations.

� put the saving of life and promotion of health above all else
� make every effort to keep the patient as comfortable as possible and to preserve life
� respect the patient's choice to die peacefully and with dignity
� treat all patients equally
� mainta

Discuss at least six patients' rights, and explain how you can provide these rights while giving patient care.

review patients' rights in Unit 4:3, and grade individual student answers on how rights are provided

Briefly describe the purpose of the Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA), and explain what a facility must do for patients under this law.

requires all health care facilities that receive federal aid to provide patients with information and assistance in preparing advance directives; inform every adult, both orally and in writing, of their to make decisions concerning medical care; document