health information management ch 12

Conditions of Participation (COP)

regulations require that providers develope, implement and maintain and effective organization wide, data driven quality assignment and performance improvement program

The Joint Commission (TJC)

is a not-for-profit nongovernmental entity that offers voluntary accredition programs for all types of health care facilties . provides education, leadership, and objective evaluation and feedback to health care organizations in the quest for health care

TJC has sponsered

comparative performance measurement project that involves collection and analysis of data recieved from accredition hospitals

what 4 core measures did hospital performance focus on?

acute myocardial infaction, heart failure, community acquired pneumonia and preganacy and related conditions.

Who did NCQA sponser?

Health Care Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS)


a comporativer performance measure project that evaluates a healthplan clinical and administrative system.

Leap frog Group

a collaboration of large employers came together in 1998 came together to see how purchasers could influence the quality and affortability of health care.

leapfrog identified what hospital quality and safety practices

computer physcian order entry, evidence-based hospital refferal, and intensive care unit (ICU) staffing by physcians experienced in crital care medicine.

Pay for Performance (P4P)

a payment system implewmented by some health plans that financally rewards providers who achieve specific quality or patient safety goals

fundemental principles for Pay for Performance are

common performance measuresfort providers,significant health plan finicial payments based on that performancewith each plan independently deciding the source, amount, payment method for its incentive program.


refers to materials or resources used in a process such as x-rays and radiographers time


is a product of a process such as transcribed records document or a complete diagnostic test


is the end results of a process such as a complete health record or a patients satisfactory physcial condition after a surgical procedure


refers to doing the right thing or using an acceptable rational resources used to output or outcome achieved


refers to doing the right thing EX. using only the apporiape diagnostic test to establish a treatment plan that returns a patient to a state of wellness is effective

evidence based medicine (EBM)

to select the right thing to do for a patient . involves the use of current best medicine evidence in making decisions about the care of an individual patients ex (BAYER ASPIRIN) using guideline developed through research in making clinical decisions

Clinical Practice Guidelines

specific procedures or protocols for medical professionals to follow for a patient with a partidiagnostic or medical condition based on researchcular


is a quantive measure of an aspect of patient care is a screen or flag that indicates areas for more detailed analyis

National Quality Forum (NQF)

created in 1999 to develop and implement a national stragety for health care quality measurement and reporting

Performance Measure

is a genetic term used to describe a particular value of chacteristic designed to quantify input, output, outcome, efficiency,or effectiveness

In 1990 great emphysis was placed on

need for public accountability of providers and insurers to furnish comprehensive high quality healthcare at an acceptable cost

Avedis Donabedian

defined a comprehensive approach to assessing quaility of care by using measures tht examine structures, processes, and outcomes associated with the delivery of health care.

Data Quality

to achieve their potiental value, performance measures must be valid and reliable

Validity refers to

degree, extent and extent


assesses relevance,completeness,accuracy ands correctness

Validity measures

how well a data collection instrument, labatory test, medical record abstract, or other data source measures what it should measure

Health Information Management (HIM)

professionals play a vital role in ensuring valaid and reliable data collection

Performance Assessement

an assessement that involves a periodic review of performance measurement results sometime called evaluation, appraisal or rating

Performance Improvement

when an opportunity for improvement is identified, an improvement activity is undertaken

Performance improvement involves

an investigation of the cause of undesirable performance and implemations of solutions

Dr. Shewhart's

PDCA plan, do, check act

Plan for Improvenments

how, what,develop and process measures


do the improvement actions

check results of improvement actions

compare the effets of the process changes with the predicted outcomes

Act on the Evidence

make changes permanent, run new trials, revise improvementy actions or whatever is approiate to the findings

W. Edwards Deming

PDSA plan, do, study, act

Rapid Cycle Improvement (RCI)

applied to improving both the operational aspects of health care delivery and clinical care process

RCI is based on

PDSA Model

PDSA Model uses

accelerated method (usually less than 4 to 6 weeks per improvement cycle)to collect and analyize data and make informed changes based on that analysis

Six Sigma

has roots in manufacturing industry 1980 motorola began an initiative to elimate defects and improve the effeciency of its operations

Six Sigma Five Steps

define, measure, analyze, improve, and control


1980 Japenese success in global marketplace brought QI philosophiesand techiniques to international attention

Lean started in

Manufacturing sector hteses principles are now gaining popularity in services sectors also in health care

Lean Principles

Eliminate waste and retain only valued added activities,concentrate on improving valued added activities, respond to the voice of the customer and optimize processes across the organization

Central Tenet of Lean thinking

value providing 'PERFECT" value to the customer by using only value adding processes and eliminating waste in health care MEANS add value to the service provided to patients, their families and other customers

Value chain

the whole process or linked processes


is the act of comparing one's performance to high-quality performance


is a structured but flexible process designed to maximize the number of ideas generated by a group of people

Brainstorming requires

a leader who serves primarily as a faciliator and recorder and a team of 6 to 10 persons brought togehter to generate ideas about a particular performance issue


are graphic representations of a sequence of activities or steps in a process

Cause-and-effect Diagrams (fishbone diagrams)

useful tool for solving complicated problems by helping people see the relationship between performance factors and an end result

What is useful in the plan phasse of the PDCA cycle

Fish bone diagram or cause-and-effect diagram


graphic representations of frequency distributions useful identifying whether the variable that exists in the frequency distribution is normal or skewed

To construct a histogram

create a verticle and horizonal axis,grouping or classes must be continous data

continous data is placed on

Horizontal axis, shown on contignous bars

frequency of occurance is placed on

vertical axis, height of the bar representing the count

Bar graph

is used to report count values of categorical data, such as number of outpatients visits for each day of the week

Pareto Chart

similar to bar graphs, primary diffrence is that occurrences plotted on this chart are ordered form largest to most frequent occuring category

to create a pareto chart

first select data then determine the standard for comparision

line chart (run chart)

provides a simple visual method of monitoring performance trends over time

Control Charts

special type of line graph used to monitor performance add another deminsion to performance analysis statistically in control

Who issues the National Patient Safety Goals


National Patient Safety Goals have

influenced adoption of safer patient care practices in all provider sites

Why dis TJC publish National Patient Goals in 2003

promote specific change intended to improve patient safety

Patient Safety Improvement

actions undertaken by individuals and organizations to protect health care recipients from being harmed by the effects of health care services

are incident reports put in medical record


incident reports

paper-based or electronic reports completed by health care professionals when an incident occurs

Ensuring Patient Safety Involves

establishment of operational systems and process that minimize the likehood of errors and maximize the likelihood of intercepting them when they occur

Root Cause Analyses

a systematic investigation process that occurs after a complication or adverse event that resulted in a patient injury caused by medical management rather by the underlying disease or condition of the patient

examples of Sentinel events are

event that results in unanticipated patient death or major permanent loss of function, suicide of patient in round-the-clock care, unanticipated death of a term infant, infant abduction or given to wrong parent, hemolytic transfusion reaction, surgery on


event or situation that could potententially result in an injury to an individual or in finicial loss to the HCO

Risk Management

encompasses all pollicies, procedures, and practices directed at reducing risk and subsequent liability for injuries that occur in the organizations immediate enviroment

Best protection Risk management stragety is


prevention requires

identifying and monitoring high-risk and problem prone processes and physcial plant locations

National Committee For Quality Assurance (NCQA)

is a private not-for-profit organization established in 1991. they acredit a variety of organizations from health maintance organizations to prefered provider organizations and each accredition program had distinct performance management requirements.


sponsers the healthcare Effectiviness data and information set (HEDIS)

National Quality Award

some health care leaders seek to advance performance by voluntairily participitating in quality awards programs at state and national levels.

Baldridge National Quality Award

established by congress in 1987 to recognize organizations for their achivements in quality and business performance and to raise awareness about the importance of quality and performance excellence as a competive edge.

Quality Improvement QI

to improve the process of delivering care and thereby increase customer satisfication with the quality of care

Clinical Practice Guideline

statement opf the right thing to do for patients with a particular diagnosis or medical condition

structure measure

indirectly accesses care by looking at certain provider characteristics and the physcial and organizational resources available to support the delivery of care.

Process Measure

focus on what is done durning the delivery of health care services. most common measure used to evaluate the quality of health care services

Outcome Measures

looks at end result of the patient encounter with the health care system (commonly used is patients mortality rates)

guess practice guidelines is also known as

cliniocal practice guidlines

develop of a performance measure involves

identify what you want to know, identify the raw data necissary for creating the measure and define a data collection strategy.

performance assessment is sometimes called

evaluation, appraisal or raing

perfomance assessment

involves a formal periodic review of performance measure results

performance data should help people answer

what is current performance, is there a trend over time, should we take any action, what kind of action, what contributes the most to undesirable performance and are we focussing on the highest priority actions

pdca stands for

plan, do, check,act


paln, do, check, and act


for improvements


the improvement actions


results of improvement actions effect of process changes


on the evidence


plan, so, study, and act

six sigma has steps they are

define, measure, analyze, improve and control

Rapid cycle improvement

sucessfully applied to improving both the operational aspects of health care delivery and clinical patient care process

RCI is based on

PDSA model using an accredited method to collect and analize data and make informed changes based on that analysis

internal benchmarking

compares performance between functonal areas or departments within an orgqanization

external benchmarking

sometimes called performance benchmarking is used to close the gap between an organizations performance and that of other organizations

affinity diagrams

may be used to bridege the gap between idea generation and organization of the ideas. after brainstorming used to organize and prioritize information into clusters or categories

decision martix

multidimensional tool is used to organize and categorize information into more usable form for decision making purposes

force field analysis

is a tool that also shows the relationship between performance variables and outcomes.

correlation analysis

detrmines the strangth, direction, and statistical significance of a relationship between one or more performance variables.

TJC joint commission issues

national patient safety goals yearly have strongly influenced the adoption of safer patient care practices at all sites

patient safety improvement involves

the familar prformance management building blocks, measurement, and improvement

safety improvement

ensuring patient safety involves the establishment of operational systems and process that minimize the likelihood of errors and maximize the liklihood of intercepting them when they occur

proactive risk assessment

patient safety improvement projects which are proactive these projects are initiated prospectively for the purpose of avoiding an undesirable event

risk management activities

are directed at preventing or reducing finicial loss, allocating funds for compensable events and diminishing negitive public image resulting from injury claims

potentially compensable event (PCE)

adverese occurance usually involving a patient that could result in finicial obligation for the healthcare organization (HCO)

loss prevention

requires idsentifying and monitoring high-risk and problrem-prone processes and physcial plant locations

loss reduction

focuses on a single incident or claim and requires immediate response to any adverse occurrence

utilization management

are intended to insure thst facilities and resources are used appropiately to meet the health care needs of patients

UM building block of performance management

measurement, assessment and improvement

Medicare COP

hospitals must have a process for reviewing services furnished by the institution and by members of the medical staff to patients entitled tobenefit under the Medicare and Medicade programs

the um function involves what activities

prospective review, concurrent review,dicharge planning/case management and retrospective review

prospective review process

is initative before a pateints actually needs serviceif insurance company requires pre approval befor services then the um gathers information on the patients condition to see if it is necessary for this service and try to get approval for it to happen

IS/IS intensity of service/severity of illness

describe where services should be provided(intensity) on the basis of the level of the patients impairment (severity)

concurrwnt reviews

need of services is assessed stimultaneously with provision of care

retrospective review

occurs after care had been rendered

licened independent practioners (LIPs)

should perform only the services that they are qualified through education, training and experience


is defined as the process of evaluating an individuals knowledge and experience against a standard to determine whether the individual is qualfied to perform certain tasks

credentialing process is

objevtive mechanism used by the HCO governing body to demostrate accountability for professional staff practice behaviors and association clinical outcomes

credentialing process starts

when a physcian or LIP applies for mrembership to the hospital organized medical staff.

credentialing proff should include

education and training, liability insurance coverage, current licensure, clinical competence, and satisfactory health status

privalage delineation

refers to the process of determining the procedures and services a physcian or LIP is permitted to perform under the jurisdiction of the HCO

peer review

review of patients records is another way medical staff evaluates performance of physcians and LIP.

peer review evaluation

evaluated by people who have similar trainig , work in similar work in similar envirments and have similar profeciency in a clinical practice area or speciality

infectious control

process of preventing the speading communiclal diseases with compliance of legal requirements


refers to consticiency between uses of a given instruement or methods

absence of defects

presence of value exteneded by customer