Chapter 11 Nutrition and Diets: Assignment Sheet

nutritional status

state or condition of one's nutrition


high blood pressure


state of poor nutrition caused by diet or illness


commonly called starches or sugars, major source of energy


fatty substance found in body cells and animal fats


essential nutrients that build and repair tissue and provide heat or energy


process of breaking down food into smaller parts and changing it chemically


process where blood capillaries pick up digested nutrients


loss of appetite

therapeutic diet

modifications of normal diet to improve specific health conditions

Four immediate effects of good nutrition

healthy appearance, well developed body, good attitude, high energy level, proper sleep and body habits


a condition in which bones become porous and break easily


fibrous indigestible for of carbohydrate that provides bulk in the digestive tract

Four functions of fat

cushions organs and bones, aid in absorption of fat soluble vitamins, provide flavor to meals, maintain body temperature by providing insulation

saturated fats description

solid at room temperature

unsaturated fats description

soft or oily at room temperature

Four examples of saturated fats

eggs, whole milk, cream, butter

Four examples of polyunsaturated fats

vegetable oil, margarines, products made with vegetable oils, fish, peanuts

Three functions of proteins

build and repair tissues, help produce antibodies, and provide heat and energy

complete proteins

contain nine amino acids essential to life

incomplete proteins

contain any of the remaining amino acids out of the twenty two and some combination of some of the nine.

water-soluble vitamins

vitamins that dissolve in water and are easily destroyed by cooking, air, and light

fat-soluble vitamins

vitamins that dissolve in fat and are not easily destroyed by cooking, aire, and light

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

aids in wound healing

Vitamin K

normal clotting of the blood

Vitamin B (12) (cobalamin)

production of healthy red blood cells and metabolism of proteins

Vitamin D (calciferol)

builds and maintains bone and teeth

Riboflavin (B2)

healthy mouth tissues and eyes

Vitamin A (Retinol)

structure and function of cells of skin and mucous membrane

Vitamin E (Tocopherol)

protection of cell structure, especially red blood cells

Pyridoxine (B6)

production of antibodies

Iron (Fe)

formation of hemoglobin in red blood cells

Potassium (K)

regular heart rhythm

Calcium (Ca)

clotting of the blood

Iodine (I)

formation of hormones in thyroid gland

Fluorine (F)

develop and maintain bones and teeth

Magnesium (Mg) and Sodium (Na)

healthy muscles and nerves

Chlorine (Cl)

formation of hydrochloric acid

Zinc (Zn)

component of enzymes and insulin

Four functions of water

essential for breaking down food, helps body tissues absorb nutrients, makes up most of the blood plasma and cytoplasm of cells, helps move waste material through the body


how many glasses of water should the average person drink per day?


the process of breaking down food into small parts


the process of absorbing nutrients into the circulatory system by lymph capillaries

kilocalories, calorie

the unit of measurement used to measure the amount of eat produced during metabolism

Four factors that cause calorie requirements to vary from person to person

activity, age, size, sex, physical condition, climate

an individual who wants to lose weight shoulds increase__________ and decrease_________________________

activity, caloric intake

What does BMI measure?

measures weight in relation to height and correlates this with body fat


a body weight that is 10 to 15 percent below the desired weight


a body weight that is 10 to 20 percent above the average recommended weight


a body weight that is 20 percent or more above the average recommended weight

Soft diet foods to avoid

meat, fried food, coarse cereal, nuts

Diabetic diet foods to avoid

syrup, jam, honey, chewing gum

Low calorie diet foods to avoid

whole milk, cream, butter, alcohol

High calorie diet foods to avoid

watermelon, salads, fibrous fruit, cheese cake

Low-cholesterol diet foods to avoid

beef, pork, liver, lamb

Fat-restricted diet foods to avoid

cream, cheese, whole milk, nuts

Sodium-restricted diet foods to avoid

salt, pickles, smoked meat, sauerkraut

Low-protein diet foods to avoid

meat, milk, fish, cheese, eggs

Bland diet foods to avoid

fried foods, pastries, candies, raw fruits

Low-residue diet foods to avoid

raw fruit, raw vegetables, nuts, seeds

Clear liquid diet foods allowed

ginger ale, apple juice, plain gelatin, grape juice