Health Science 2 final

What is the competence in an activity or occupation because of one's skill, training, or other qualifications?


Something that concerns, involves, draws the attention of, or arouses the curiosity of a person is:


What is the relative worth, merit or importance of ideals imparted by society and have an affective regard either positive or negative?


What should a healthcare professional do if the patient's verbal and non-verbal messages are inconsistent?

ask questions

A person makes descriptive movements with his/her hands. This is an example of what kind of communication?


Frances asked Dr. Jones, "What is a hysterectomy?" Dr. Jones responds, "Removal of the uterus." Which part of the communication model does Frances's question represent?


During a physical therapy session, the patient yells to the therapist, "That hurts!" Which part of the communication model is the therapist?


Dr. Jones restated and summarized Oscar's questions about his condition and plan of care. Oscar knew that his discomfort was respected by Dr. Jones. Dr. Jones was engaged in which part of the communication process?

active listening

Which agency would be most helpful in monitoring an outbreak of tuberculosis?


Which agency lists the immunizations required for attendance to public schools?


Mr. Moore sometimes fails to take all of his medicine because he has difficulty opening the bottles. He might need assistance and might also benefit from social contact. Which agency might provide this type of care?

adult day care

Which healthcare agency is funded by taxes?

Leland veterans medical clinic

A private hospital is expanding its emergency department in order to increase services. Where does the hospital get the money to support the addition?


Tom was injured while serving with the U.S. Marines. His medical expenses will be covered by


As a new employee at a large corporation, the employee may choose an insurance plan. Which type of plan is this insurance benefit?

group insurance plan

The HOSA officers plan three goals for the new school year. This is what stage in team building


The HOSA officers do not agree with their goals for the year. They continue to meet and discuss other options. This is what stage in team building?


An effective team allows the members to express their ideas. Which stage of team building does this represent?


While working to accomplish its goals, a healthcare team began to have issues with disagreements. What characteristic of an effective team is used to resolve differences?


Jody is scheduled for a follow-up appointment after sustaining a radial fracture. During the visit, Jody's wrist was flexed and extended. This is what type of service?

therapeutic services

Sally is admitted to the Respiratory Care Unit. The nurse needs information about Sally's pervious illness. What part of the patient interview is this?

medical history

Which is an example of diagnostic services?

strep test

Which is an example of therapeutic services?

ambulating a patient with crutches

Angela is scheduled for a physical with Dr. Garret. A nurse assists her into the exam room and prepares her for the exam. During the exam, the nurse's responsibility to Angela is to:

provide for her safety and comfort

A patient presents with right upper quadrant pain. The nurse knows that as he/she checks the patient into the emergency department, the symptoms will be documented in which part of the patient's chart?

chief complaint

Upon documenting a patient's admission, the CMA notes that the patient's sister has ovarian cancer. This is considered what part of collecting patient data?

family history

Felicia observes that Mrs. Winger has a large red spot on her right arm. Felicia would document this as:

Mrs. Winger has 2 cm red spot on her right forearm.

Insertion of lab results, x-ray findings, and progress notes in the patient's chart are examples of:

recording patient data

After reviewing a patient's range of motion, a physical therapist will add weight training to the strength training routine. This is which step in the patient care process?

plan patient car

The doctor is explaining orders to the nurse. The orders are which part of the patient care process?

plan patient care

The Emergency Room doctor orders a STAT abdominal x-ray and ultra sound. This is considered which part of the patient care process?

plan patient care

When the nurse carries out the orders given by the physician, this is which part of the patient care process?

implement patient care

A physical therapist determines a patient's current range of motion and starts to exercise the injured joint. This is which step in the patient care process?

implement patient care

Dr. Smith discussed with his patient that her LDL cholesterol did not decrease after three months on anti-cholesterol treatment. Which step of the patient care process is this?

evaluate patient care

The doctor is exploring patient responses to the new clinical trial medication. This is part of which patient care process?

evaluate patient care

The labor and delivery nurse admits a new patient to the unit. During the assessment, what describes subjective data?

I think I am swelling too much





Which is an example of a subjective finding with patient data?

the patient says his right knee hurts

MAR medical's new drug has been introduced to humans. This is an example of:

clinical trials

What position in biomanufacturing requires the understanding of infection control and the use of PPEs?

process technician

Working with the local cooperative extension office, Mosley asked for advice on how to decrease bug infestation in his tomato fields. This is an example of:

crop biotechnology

an area poultry plant is experiencing an increase in the Coccidiosis parasite in chickens. Which are should a farmer call for professional advice

animal biotechnology

the blue ridge parkway staff is working to increase the tree formation to decrease illness patterns in its animal population. This is an example of:

forest biotechnology

The animal research department is working on a new transgenic animal for better organ transplants. Which part of the animal biotechnology application is it using?

enhancing human medical applications

The local cattleman's association is planning an informational session on increasing farm animal production. Which biotechnology application is most appropriate to discuss?

improving animal health

A patient decides to have an abortion. The nurse comments, "I would never allow my daughter to do this!" The nurse has violated which behavior?


Jim asked Sue to be his spokesperson in determining treatment measures that should be taken if he is unable to make his own healthcare decisions. After signing a legal document, Sue is Jim's:

power of attorney

Daniel was admitted to the intensive car unit. He is not sure of his prognosis and insists on signing a statement to express end-of-life wishes. Which document will he sign?

living will

Exposing a patient unnecessarily, calling a patient a name, and failing to lock the brakes on a wheelchair are all examples of:

civil torts

Mr. Sams shoots and kills his wife in a nursing home. Mr. Sams will most likely be charged with which criminal violation?


Healthcare professionals know they must stay up to date on the most current medical issues. This addresses which element of wellness?


Julie runs three times a week and eats five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. She is addressing which element of wellness?


Rachel is seeing her school counselor for help with coping strategies because of an issue with another student. What element of wellness is she addressing?


The indian medicine man visited Mrs. Johnson for a ceremony of healing. This is an example of which element of wellness?


Yearly evaluation of blood cholesterol levels for a patient with a family history of hypercholesterolemia is an example of which practice that promotes wellness?

health screening and examination

a practice that promotes wellness is reflected in which response?

I limited the amount of snacks and junk foods this week.

When a patient cannot reach the call bell, a nurse moves it within reach. Which safety consideration is being followed?

patient safety

A radiology technologist requests a mechanical lift for the x-ray department to reduce the number of back injuries among staff. What healthcare professional safety is this?

ergonomic program

Whitney always stands with her feet shoulder width apart when preparing to lift and move a patient. Which healthcare professional safety guideline is Whitney following?

body mechanics

A patient brought an unmarked bottle from home and states the bottle contains a home remedy. The nurse cannot identify the contents and reports this to the supervisor. Which safety guideline is being followed?

hazardous materials

Mrs. Fields conducts safety drills at school because she believes it is the best to prepare for, respond to, and recover from unexpected situations. Which environmental safety process is she following?

basic emergency response

Two nurses work together to transfer an overweight patient. By doing this, they are showing an understanding of which healthcare professional safety guideline?

body mechanics

Which statement shows a lack of understanding of patient safety needs?

I keep the wheels on the bed unlocked so it can be moved easily in an emergency.

What would a healthcare professional do before each skill check-off of aseptic technique?

wash their hands

Mr. Baker was admitted to the hospital with an increased white blood cell count and extreme pain in his right lower quadrant. If he begins to have fever, his condition could be considered which type of infection?


Rebecca is recovering from the H1N1 virus. She develops diarrhea after eating contaminated food. This type of infection is a(n):

exogenous infection

Morgan is concerned that the hordeleum in her left eye will keep her from working in the clinical environment. Her condition is a(n):

local infection

Ellen is diagnosed with rickettsiae. She understands that she has:

been bitten

What organism has no symptoms and its considered normal flora?


What lab equipment allows for the growth of microorganisms without the aid of oxygen?


a patient underwent an excision of a malignant lesion on his/her trunk. What is the main term for the CPT code?


A patient suffers from a knee injury and sees a physical therapist. What would be the CPT code?


The physician's assistant treated a patient for fever, cough, and general malaise. After reviewing a patient's record, the health insurance specialist assigns an ICD-9 code to:


a patient's diagnosis is left subdural hemorrhagic stroke. What is the main term for the ICD-9 code?


a patient's diagnosis is traumatic tear of medial meniscus. What is the main term for the ICD-9 code?


A patient's diagnosis is bilateral infectious pneumococcal pneumonia. What is the main term for the ICD-9 code?


A patient suffers from a knee injury and is seeing a physical therapist. What is the main term for the ICD-9 code?


Daniel is conducting the annual monitoring of facility documentation and inspection of electrical equipment at the Breath of Life respiratory clinic. Which agency is most likely Daniel's employer?


David is monitoring the waste management system of a hemodialysis clinic. Which agency is most likely David's employer?


Mr. Qually wants to measure the effectiveness of healthcare delivery in the hospital. He sends out a survey to former patients to collect data about their experiences while hospitalized. In what areas would he most likely use this customer satisfaction in

accrediting and quality assurance

What is the best way for the central supply technician to assure patient safety from contamination by surgical instruments?


which statement by a nurse would indicate that he/she understands the principles of sterile technique?

I always check the expiration date of sterile packages

While preforming CPR, when would you STOP cardiac compressions?

when the pulse can be felt

Which of the following statements is true about infant CPR?

ventilations are given by covering both the infant's nose and mouth

You are eating at a restaurant when a man at a table next to you begins choking and coughing. What should you do?

encourage the man to cough hard

You and a friend both know CPR. You are in the park when you see an elderly couple walking along when suddenly, the man grabs his chest and falls to the ground. What should you do?

one of you should start CPR while the other calls the EMS

Adult CPR chest compressions are preformed at a rate of:

100 per minute

In two-person CPR, two breaths are given at every:

15th compression

After you power on the AED, what would be done next?

attach the AED to the victim

When using the AED, when you see a "shock indicated" message, what would you do next?

clear the victim

After giving a victim two shocks with the AED, you get a "no shock indicated" message, and signs of circulation and breathing. What would you do next?

place the victim in recovery position

If all of the following points require attention in an emergency situation, which should be treated or addressed FIRST?

clear the airway and begin CPR

When calling the EMS from the scene of an accident, you should tell the dispatcher:

the phone number you are calling from and your name

At the scene of an accident, a victim is bleeding from an apparent laceration of the leg. As you approach, you realize the victim is drunk. He yells "Keep away from me- I don't need your help." You should:

call 911 and stay a reasonable distance from the victim

You are walking along the beach when you see someone in the distance, lying face down on the ground. What should you do?

approach the person and determine consciousness

You are walking in the park and hear a man calling for help. You find the man lying in a ditch. After you call 911 on your cell phone, you should:

reassure the victim and try to determine what happened

Which of the following is one of the general principles of first aid?

obtain qualified assistance as soon as possible

A victim at the scene of an accident has a superficial scrape on the thigh with limited bleeding. When you call 911, you would describe the leg injury as a/an:


what is the recommended protocol for an amputation?

wrap the part in a cool, moist dressing. place it in a plastic bag, and transport it with the victim

Jacob has been in a car accident. What symptoms might suggest he is going into shock?

skin pale and cool, pulse rapid and weak, vomiting, and c/o blurred vision

What should you do if you are mowing your lawn and get stung by a wasp if you have no history of sting allergies?

remove the stinger and wash the area with soap and water