Health Exame

Ways to promote physical wellness include-

avoiding alcohole, tabacco,caffeine, drugs, and risky sexual behavior

obtaining contiunual lerning and using common sense are examples of ways to promote-

mental and intellectual wellness

public health and sanitation systems were first developed by the-

ancient Romans

the Father of Medicine is-


Bifocals for glasses were invented by-

Benjamin Franklin

Avaccination for small pox was developed in 1796 by-

Edward Jenner

Disinfectants and antiseptics were first used to prevent infection during surgery by-

Joseph Lister

The founder of American Red Cross in 1881 was-

Clara Barton

The professional education of nutses was started by-

Florence Nightingale

The individual whose studies formed the vasis for psychology and psychiatry is-

Signund Freud

Penicillin was discovered in 1928 by-

Sir Alexander Fleming

The polio vaccine was developed in 1952 by-

Jonas Salk

The first "test tube" baby was born in England in the-


Acquired immune deficiency syndrome(AIDS) was identified as a disease in the-


Birth control pills were first approved by the FDA in the -


The first kidney transplant in humans were ferformed in the -


the CAM therapy that uses breathing and muscle relaxation techniques to quiet the mind by focusing attention on obtaining a sense of oneness is-


The CAM therapy that encourages the use of certain vitamins to neutralize free radicals is-


The CAM therapy vased on the belief that illness and pain occur when Qi (life energy) is blocked as it flows through meridians is-


The CAM practitioner who believes that a life energy flow through every living person in an invisible system of meridians is a/an-

chinese medicine practitioner

The name for the type of health care that offers both mainstream medical treatments and CAM therpaies to treat a patient is a/an-

homeopathic care

The CAM therapy that uses special machines to produce negatively charge air particles or ions which are used to treat common respiratory disorders is a/an-

ionization therapy

Which of the following viruses has the ability to cause a pandemic?

all of the above

which of the following viruses is the cause of avian (bird) flu?

H5N1 virus

Being able to identify with and understand another person's feelings, situation, and motives deomostrates-


the ability to be tolerant, to be understanding, and to control your temper indicates-


Enjoying your work and displaying a positive attitude displays-


Having the ability to say or do the kindest or most fitting thing in a difficult situation shows-


Being willing to ve held accountable for your actions is-


The ability to begin or follow through with a task and to determine things that need to be done indicates-


using good judgment in what you say and do and making sure that the patient's rights are not violated demonstrates-


Being qualified and capable of performing a task while striving for accuracy in all you do shows-


Showing truthfulness and integrity and being willing to admit mistkes so they can be corrected is-


Being propt when reporting to work, avoiding absences, and completing assigned tasks on itime demonstrates-


learning to work well with others demonstrates-

team player

The exchange of information, thoughts, ideas, and feelings is -


Which of the following factors does not interfere with the communication process?

properly working hearing aid

Which of the following is not an example of a communication barrier?

minor or child status

An example of a psychological barrier to communication is-

a negative attitude and constant criticism

An example of a subjective observation is-

Mr Mendez has a temerature of 102 degreees fareinheight

A leader who sets minimal rules and allows individuals in a group to function in an independent manner is a/an-

laissez-faire leader

a physical change that occurs when a stressor causes the body to go into an alarm or warning mode is-

pupils in the eyes dilating to improve vision

An example of a disease that is provably noit caused by stress is-

diabetes mellitus

To establish effective short- and long-tern oals are-

state goals in a positive manner and try to avoid negative goals

The use of correct body mechancs is needed to-

use the strongest muscles

How many inches apart should the feet be to maintain a abroad vase of support?


To get close to an object,-

bend from the hips and knees

If you find a piece of damaged or malfunctionoing equipment,-

report it immediately

how many times should you read the labes on a solution bottles?


If a soluting such as acetic acid spills on a counter, -

report it immediatley

if a particle gets in your eye,-

report it immediatly

safety glasses-

should be worn at all times

In case of fire in a health care facility, the most important thing to do is-

remain calm

The three things needed in order for a fire to start are-

fuel, heat, oxygen

Ergonomics includes all of the following except

determining which repetivie movemnts will be most effective

most fire mergency plans usually include all of the following except-

doors and windows should be opened to expel the smoke

solutions used in health care facilitites-

can be dangerous, so avoid eye and skin contact

whole handling any electrical equipment, be sure to-

check first for damaged cords or improper grounds

Cocci that occur in clusters or groups are-


Threadlike prejectionsthat are siimilar to tails and allow and organism to move are-


Parasitic imcroorganisms carried by fleas, lice, ticks, and mites are-


Which of the following diseasees is not caused by a virus?


A hantavirus affecting primates and rodents that mutated and spread to humans is-


the virus that causes avian or bird flu is-


in the chain of infection, a pathogen leaving the body through sexual secretions is an example of -

portal of exit

In the chain of infection, an iinstrument contaminated with blood acts as a-


the process that destoys pathogenic organisms but is not always effective against spores and viruses is-


Which of the following is not a characteristics of "ideal" microoorganism for bioterroism?

likes darkness and moisture

a vaccination is available to prevent bioterroism through the use of-


Which of the following is not an OSHA regulation?

provide hepatitis B vaccine free of charge to anyone in the health care facility or workplace

Under stadard precautions. what personal protective equipment should be worn during the delivery of a baby?

-goves, gown, mask, pretective eyewear

Standard precautinos were develped by-

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

How many days do items usually remain sterile after being autoclaved?


The best method for serilizing instruments that may corrode is-

dry heat

how much of the border around the outside of a sterile field is considered contaminated?

2 inches

The best transfer method to use when placing a sterile bowl on a sterile field is the-

mitten technique

using sterile technique includes all of the following except-

keeping hands in front of the body and below the waist

A N-96 , P-100 , or more powerful filtering mask such as a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) mask must be worn for-

Airborne precaustions

Antibiotics are effective medications for pathogenic-


The Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act requires employers to do all of followig except-

provide hepatitis B vaccine to employeed with occupational exposure

The measurement of the balance between heat produced and heat lost is-


The constant state of fluid balance is-


The most accurate method for taking a temperature is -


Which of the following does not lead to increased body temperature?

starvation and fasting

Before a glass clinical themometer is used, it should be soaked in a disinfectant for a minimum of -

30 minutes

A pulse site at the neck is the-


the pulse site used while taking a blood pressure is-


A pulse is described as regular or irregular by its-


A pulse rate over 100 beats per minute, except in childern, is-


which of the following is not considered one of the four main vital signs?

apical pulse

Difficult or labored respirations are-


Cheyne-Sokes respiration describes-

periods of apnea and dyspnea

Why are bital signs recorded on a graphic record?

It provides a visual diagram of variations in a person's vital signs

heart sounds are cause by-

closing of the valves in the heart

Constant pressure in the walls of the arteries is-


A factor that does not increase blood pressure is-


Another term for fever is-


Difficult breathing with a high-pitched whistling or sighing sound during expiration is-


Prehypertension occures when-

the diastolic reading is between 80- 89 mm Hg

Which of the following statements is not the correct way to measure blood pressure?

the lower edge of the sphygomomanometer cuff should be 1 to 1 1/2 inches below the antecubital area

Which of the following statements does not pertain to taking daily weights on a patient?

make sure the patient wears the exact same clothing

chest circumference may be measured to determine the preogression of diseases such as-

chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases

the equivalent weight in pounds for 60 kilograms is-

132 pounds

how many centimeters are in 56 inches?

140 centimeters

the position used to facilitate breathing and examine the ches its-


The main position used for a sigmoidoscopic examination is-


The position used for simple rectal examinations, enemas and, rectal temperatures is-


The position used for examination or treatment of the back or spiine is-


The position used for circulatory shock is-


While testing vidual acuity with a Snellen chart, -

watch the patient closely to make sure he/she is not squinting

While testing vision with a Snellen chart, 20/20 vision means that-

the patient can see characters 20 millimeters high while standing 20 feet from the chart

which of the following abbreviations indicates both eyes?


a technique used during a physical examination in which the physician taps and listens for sounds coming from various body organs is-


a lighted instrument used to examine the inside of the lower part of the large intestine is a -


instruments used to compress blood vessels to stop bleeding are-


The final branches of the electrical pathway in the heart are the -

Purkinje fibers

an electocardiogram records the -

electrical current passing through the heart

The leads on an ECG recorded from the limb electrodes are the -

both limb leads and augmented voltage leads

which of the following ECG marking codes is the code for lead 3?


The section of the Physicians' Desk Reference that provides a quick reference section for drugs available for variouse conditions is the-

Product classification or category index

A medication that has been dissolved in alcohol is a/an -


The Roman numeral for 500 is-


List five main factors that contribute to good health-

diet, rest, exercise, good posture, avoid tabacco,drugs

List three basic rules that apply to the hair in order to maintain a prefessional appearance-

clean, neat, easy to care for

List four-step method that is used to gain control of and manage stressors-

stop, breath, reflect, choose

Live five stress-reducing techniques that can be used to manage stress-

live a healthy life, warm bath, meditate, imagery, take breaks

differentiate between short- and long-term goals-

Short- days, weeks, months long, life time, years

Describe three benefits gained from participating in a health care professional organization-

learn working in group. meet preofessionals, keep current

Define leader, include at least five characteristics of a leader in health care-

individual who leads, guides others

List three main reasons for using good body mechanics-

Muscles work best, prevents uneccessary fatigue and strain, prevents injury

What does the acronym PASS stand for?

P-pull the pin , A-aim the extinguisher S-squeeze the handle S-sweep

List six different body fluids that are considered infectious under standard precaustions-

blood, mucus, sputum, saliva, urine semen

what is the purpose of autoclave indicators? gibe two examples of autoclave indicators-

ensure the articles have been sterilized ( auto clave tapes, indictor capsules)

Explain the process of cavitation in an ultrasonic unit-

bubbles created by sound waves strike the items being cleaned, explode to drive the cleaning solution onto article

list three points that should be checked on the incision site or wound while changing a dressing-

type pf drainage, amount of drainage, colore of drainage

what is the normal rate for respirations in an adult?

12-20 breaths per minute

what is the normla range for diastolic blood pressure-

60-80 mm Hg

what is normal range of temperature for oral-


what is normal range of temperature the rectal-


what is normal range for axillary or groin-


what is normal range for temporal-


list three factors that may decrese blood pressure-

rest and sleep, depressant drugs, shock

whis is it important for the patient to void before a physical examination is done?

full bladder interferes with palpationof internal

list the six "rights" that must be observed every time a medication is given-

right medication, right does, right patient, right time, right method, right documentation

what does the roman numeral DXCIX indicate?