Health Science 1

A blood cell that is characterized as being amoeboid, granular or granular is called:


A blood cell that is bi-concave in shape and contains hemoglobin is called:


The liquid portion of blood that comprises 55% of the bloods volume is called:


The blood component that is responsible for transporting oxygen to body cells is:


What blood components are easily identified in a centrifuge blood sample?

plasma & erythrocytes

A diet for adequate iron intake is essential for which blood function?


What two important electrolytes are found in blood plasma?

sodium & potassium

Fibrinogen and prothrombin are blood proteins that are necessary for:

blood clotting

White blood cells destroy bacteria by surrounding, engulfing, and digesting the bacteria. What is this process called?


Leukocytes have the ability to squeeze through the intercellular spaces of capillary walls to fight infection in neighboring tissues. This process is called:


What blood type has no antibodies?

type AB

Which blood type has "A" antibodies?

type b and o

The smallest solid components of blood that are composed of fragments of megakarocytes are called:

thrombocytes or platelets

When a lab tech looks at a slide under the microscope and sees numerous white blood cells, which condition is likely?


The athlete sustained an open wound while on the practice field. A couple of days later the injury appeared red, swollen and was warm to the touch. The injury resulted in which development?


A patient went to the doctor because of extreme fatigue. Upon laboratory study, the doctor tells the patient that she has "low iron". The medical term for this disorder is:


An untreated RH negative mother is having an RH positive baby. Which condition might be suspected in the baby?

erythroblastosis fetalis

If your blood type is AB+ you can donate blood to a person that has blood type:


What blood type is considered to be the universal recipient?


When analyzing of a patient's blood sample, the lab tech documented clotted blood cells. Which blood components were involved in this process?

thrombus or platelets

Malcolm, an African American male, is seen by the hematologist complaining of fatigue and joint pain. His doctor notes that Malcolm's red blood cells have an irregular shape. The doctor suspects a diagnosis of:

sickle cell anemia

A child was admitted to the emergency department with a nosebleed. He was treated by injecting the clotting factor. What was the child's diagnosis?


The patient notices that he has been bruising easily. Lab studies indicate that his blood clots very slowly. It is suspected that this patient might have:


What are the upper chambers of the heart?

atrium or atria

The lower chambers of the heart are:


The function of the heart and blood vessels that supplies oxygen and nutrients to the entire body is known as:

general or systemic circulation

Which heart structure is located between the right upper and lower chambers?


When blood passes through the pulmonary valve, which vessel does it enter?

pulmonary artery

Which heart structure is also known as "mitral"?


The blood vessels that carry deoxygenated blood from the body to the heart are:


Which clotting disorder will present a threat of death to the patient as it travels through a blood vessel?


Kate is diagnosed with thrombosis, which means that a blood clot has formed:

in a vessel

The partition between the right and left sides of the heart is the:


What malignant condition is characterized by the overproduction of immature white blood cells which hinder the synthesis of red blood cells?


The tip of the heart that lies on the diaphragm and points to the left of the body is the:


The structures inside the heart that prevent back flow of the blood are the:


Which vessel is strong and elastic to undergo increased pressure?


Electrical stimulation throughout the ventricles is delivered by the:

purkinje fibers

Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged at the cellular level in which type of blood vessel?


The chamber of the heart pumping blood to the body is the:

left ventricle

What special conducting cells originate an electrical impulse that begins and regulates the heartbeat?

SA node

The contraction phase of the heart is called:


What node carries an electrical impulse from the SA node to the Bundle of His?

AV node

Where can the popliteal pulse be felt?

behind knee

The vessels that are located on the outer surface of the heart to provide its oxygen supply are the:

coronary arteries

Following a transient ischemic attack, diagnostic studies show that the patient had a bulging vessel in the brain that leaked. The patient's diagnosis was:


Long periods of standing and pregnancy are factors that contribute to which vascular disorder that is often seen in the lower legs?

varicose veins

During a routine physical, the discovers that Shirley's systolic blood pressure is 180 and her diastolic blood pressure is 100. Shirley expects she will be treated for:


Tara has a conduction defect. As a result, you would expect her to have:

disrrhythmia or arrhythmia

After running 1,500 meters, the athlete experienced irregularities in his heart rate. This was an indication that the heart rate was altered. What is the medical term for this condition?

dissrhythmia or arrhythmia

What valve prevents the back flow of blood as it leaves the heart and enters the aorta?

aortic semilunar valve

What type of blood vessels are the most muscular and elastic?


This disorder, occurs in one of five Americans, is frequently called the silent killer because there are usually no symptoms?


Which circulatory disorder indicated an underlying coronary artery process?
Angina pectoris, CHF, CVA, or Pulmonary edema

angina pectoris

Frances was seen at the urgent care center complaining of chest pain. Diagnostic tests revealed that Frances has a heart attack. This is caused by:
Angina pectoris, Arrhythmias, Coronary artery disease, or Heart failure

Coronary artery disease