Health Unit 3: Vocabulary Test (Healthy and Safe Relationships)


is a bond or connection you have with other people.

A role

is a part you play in your relationships.

Interpersonal communication

is the exchange of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs between two or more people.


working together for the good of all.


is a problem-solving method in which each participant gives up something to reach a solution that satisfies everyone.

Personal identity

your sense of who you are and where you belong in the world.


are the beliefs, ideas, and attitudes about what is important that help guide the way you live.


is an unfair opinion or judgment of a particular group of people


is an exaggerated of oversimplified belief about people who belong to a certain group.


is the ability to accept others' differences.


deliberately harming or threatening other people who cannot easily defend themselves.


means making others perform certain tasks in order to join the group.


being overly forceful, pushy, or hostile.


unwilling or unable to express thoughts and feelings in a direct of firm manner.


expressing your views clearly and respectfully.

I" message

is a statement that focuses on your feelings rather than on someone else.

Active listening

paying close attention to what someone is saying and communicating.

Body language

is nonverbal communication through gestures, facial expressions, behaviors, and posture.


your brothers and sisters.

Nuclear Family

two parents and one or more children living in the same place

Single-parent families

Families with one parent caring for one or more children.

Blended families

Consists of a married couple and their children from previous marriages.

Extended families

Is a family that includes additional relatives beyond parents and children.

Adoptive families

These families consist of a parent or parents and one or more adopted children.

Foster families

Foster care is the temporary placement of children in the homes of adults who are not related to them.


is positive feed back that helps others feel appreciated and supported.


is a decision by two married people to live apart from each other.


is the legal right to make decisions affecting children and the responsibility for their care.


the physical, mental, emotional, or sexual mistreatment of one person by another.

Domestic violence

is an act of violence involving family members.

Spousal Abuse

is a form of abuse directed at a spouse.

Child Abuse

is domestic abuse directed at a child.

Elder Abuse

the abuse or neglect of older family members.

Dating Abuse

is a pattern of actual or threatened acts of physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse, by and adolescent against a current or former dating partner.

Cycle of violence

is the pattern of repeating violent or abusive behaviors from one generation to the next.

Crisis Center

a facility that offers advice and support to people dealing with personal emergencies.


are people of similar age who share similar interests.


is a significant relationship between two people.

Platonic friendship

is a friendship with a member of the opposite gender in which there is a affection, but the two are not considered a couple.


is a small circle of friends, usually with similar backgrounds or tastes, who exclude people viewed as outsider.

Peer pressure

the influence that people may have on you.


persistently annoying others.


is an indirect, dishonest way to control or influence other people.


are the goals, tasks, values, and activities that you judge to be more important than others.


is a deliberate decision to avoid decision to avoid high-risk behaviors, including sexual activity and the use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.


is a closeness between two people that develops over time.


is an exaggerated feeling of passion.


is a person's ability to use responsibility to override emotions.


any disagreement, struggle, or fight.

Interpersonal conflicts

are conflicts between people or groups of people.

Conflict resolution

the process of ending a conflict through cooperation and problem solving.


the use of communication and , in many cases, compromise to settle a disagreement.


means to become more serious.


is bringing in a neutral third party to help others resolve their conflicts peacefully.

Peer mediation

is a process in which specially trained students help other students resolve conflicts peacefully.


is the threatened or actual use of physical force or power to harm another person or to damage property.


is an unlawful physical attack or threat of attack.

Random violence

violence committed for no particular reason.


the willful killing of one human being by another.

Sexual violence

any form of unwelcome sexual contact directed at an individual.


any form of sexual intercourse that takes place against a person's will.

Hate Crimes

is any crime motivated chiefly by hatred of or prejudice against a particular group.


is the physical, mental, emotional,or sexual mistreatment of one person by another.

Physical abuse

is a pattern of intentionally causing bodily harm or injury to another person.

Emotional abuse

is a pattern of attacking another person's emotional development and sense of worth.

Sexual abuse

is a pattern of sexual contact that is forced upon a person against the person's will.


is repeated following, harassing, or threatening an individual.

Date rape

occurs when one person in a dating relationship forces the other person to take part in sexual intercourse.