Health: Chapter 20-STDs


sexually transmitted disease-Infectious diseases that spread from person to person through intimate contact

Can some STDs be spread without intimate contact?

yes, Some STDs are spread through skin to skin contact with an infected area or sore

Can STDs be cured?

BACTERIAL STDs can be cured WITH antibiotics

What happens if STDs aren't detected early?

if left untreated too long these STDs can cause serious damage to the body

List of the bacterial STDs:

pelvic inflammatory disease


STD that is caused by a bacterium that infects the reproductive organs and that causes a mucous discharge

What age group has the highest rate of Chlamydia?

15-19 year olds

Symptoms of Chlamydia:

OFTEN NONE, but sometimes:
Females: pain during urination, vaginal discharge or bleeding, and pelvic pain
Males: pain during urination and discharge from penis

Treatment for Chlamydia:

Both partners take antibiotics at the same time

What happens if Chlamydia is left untreated?

Females- infertility, pelvic pain, ectopic pregnancies, PID
Males - can injure reproductive organs
Swollen and tender testicles
Infants of infected mothers - illness, blindness

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Inflammation of the upper female reproductive tract caused by the migration of a bacterial infection from the vagina-often a symptom of other STDs

Symptoms of PID

Pain in pelvic area or abdomen
Vaginal discharge
Unusually long and painful menstrual periods
Spotting between periods
Painful urination

Treatment for PID

antibiotics-doesn't repair damage that's already been done, so in some cases may need surgery

If PID is left untreated:

scars in fallopian tubes or uterus that can lead to infertility or ectopic pregnancies, chronic pelvic pain


STD caused by a bacterium that infects mucous membranes, including genital mucous membranes and can be passed to infants during child birth

Symptoms of Gonorrhea

Females: often no obvious symptoms, pain during urination, vaginal discharge or bleeding, pain in the abdomen in pelvic area
Males: pain during urination, discharge from the penis

Treatment for Gonorrhea

Both partners take antibiotics at the same time, but gonorrhea is becoming more difficult to treat because the bacteria that causes it has become more resistant to antibiotics

If Gonorrhea is untreated:

Females: PID
Males: scarring of urethra which makes urination difficult, painful swelling of the testicles, which may lead to infertility
Newborns of infected mothers: blindness, joint infection, life-threatening blood infections


STD caused by a bacterium that can cause ulcers or chancres

Symptoms of Syphilis:

Phase 1 (10-90 days after infection): painless ulcer, called a chancre at the place where the bacteria entered the body
Phase 2 (2-8 weeks after infection): fever, rash, swollen lymph nodes, joint pain, muscle aches
Phase 3 (2 or more years after infection): heart and nervous system damage, including blindness and loss of mental abilities, possible death

Treatment for Syphilis:

both partners take antibiotics at the same time, if treated in early stages syphilis can be cured

If Syphilis is untreated:

Males and Females: mental and physical disabilities, premature death
Infants of infected mothers: premature birth, severe mental disabilities, deafness, death

Viral STDs

The symptoms of many viral STDs can be treated with drugs, but the actual virus can not be cured

List of Viral STDs

Genital Herpes

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

STD caused by a group of viruses that can cause genital warts in a males and females and cervical cancer in females

Symptoms of HPV

there are often none,
Female: genital and anal warts (pink or reddish warts that appear on the genitals), abnormal pap smear ( a screening test for cervical cancer)
Males: genital and anal warts

Treatment of HPV

there is no cure, warts can be treated by surgical removal, freezing, or medication but will often return

If HPV is left untreated:

Females: women have a higher risk of developing cervical cancer with certain types of HPV
Males: Men have an increased risk of developing genital cancers

Genital Herpes

STD caused by a viral infection in the genital area
Caused by Herpes simplex virus (HSV)
2 types - HSV-1 and HSV-2, HSV-2 is more common

Can genital herpes be passed down to a new born?

Can be passed to newborn infants if mother has genital sores at time of delivery

Symptoms of Genital Herpes

HSV-1: cold sores and fever blisters around the mouth
HSV-2: very mild symptoms or no symptoms, red bumps, blisters and recurrent sores on or around the genitals, fever with first infection, swollen lymph nodes

Treatment for Genital Herpes:

There is no cure, but antiviral medications can shorten outbreaks and reduce their frequency

If genital herpes is left untreated:

an infected person remains infected for life


Inflammation of the liver-Two different viruses cause Hepatitis B and C, which can be sexually transmitted

Symptoms of Hepatitis:

jaundice, tiredness and muscle aches, fever, loss of appetite, darkening of urine

Treatment for Hepatitis:

There is no cure for hepatitis B or C
Individuals with sever liver damage may need a liver transplant
A vaccine is available to prevent hepatitis B, there is no vaccine for hepatitis C

If hepatitis is left untreated:

Liver damage
Liver failure
Liver cancer
Premature death

Human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV)

Virus that infects the cells of the immune system and causes AIDS
Passed by exchange of body fluids like blood, semen, vaginal fluid, or breast milk

Symptoms of HIV

Phase 1: fatigue, weight loss, fever, diarrhea
Phase 2: Phase 1 symptoms, swollen lymph nodes, forgetfulness, difficulty thinking
Phase 3: AIDS, weakened immune system, infections, weight loss

Treatment for HIV

There is no cure, but there are a combination of drugs that can delay the start of serious symptoms

If HIV is left untreated:

Weight loss
Loss of mobility
Opportunistic infections (ex: pneumonia and tuberculosis)
Premature death

STDs caused by parasites

Pubic Lice

Public lice

Strain of lice found in pubic hair of those infected
The lice crawl on the skin and lay eggs on the hairs
Spread through skin to skin contact

symptoms of public lice and scabies:

Intense itching in the pubic area/infected area (for scabies)

Treatment for public lice and scabies

Medication can kill the lice
Infected individuals must wash clothes and bed linens in hot water to kill any remaining lice and their eggs
If untreated skin damage can occur


Tiny mites that burrow into the skin of an infected person, spread through skin to skin contact


STD caused by a protozoan, a single-celled animal that is just a little larger than a bacterium

Symptoms of Trichomoniasis

Males-no symptoms
Females-itching in genital area, discharge from the vagina, painful urination

treatment for Trichomoniasis

Can be cured with a prescribed medicine

if Trichomoniasis is left untreated:

females: bladder and urethral infections, premature birth in pregnant women
males: inflamed urethra