German 1004--Wechselpr�positionen + AKK, DAT


on, onto (vertical surface)

die Wand

the wall

an der Wand

on the wall = location

an die Wand

onto the wall = direction


on, on top of (horizontal surface)

der Tisch

the table

auf dem Tisch

on the table = location

auf den Tisch

onto the table = direction


behind, going behind

das Haus

the house

hinter dem Haus

behind the house = location

hinter das Haus

(going) behind the house = direction


in, into

das Zimmer

the room

in dem Zimmer

in the room = location

in das Zimmer

into the room = direction


next to

das Fenster

the window

neben dem Fenster

next to the window = location

neben das Fenster

(going) next to the window = direction


over, above

die Stadt

the city

�ber der Stadt

above the city = location

�ber die Stadt

(flying) over the city = direction


under, below

die Br�cke

the bridge

unter der Br�cke

below the bridge = location

unter die Br�cke

(going) under the bridge = direction


in front of

vor dem Fenster

in front of the window = location

vor das Fenster

(going) in front of the window = direction



die St�hle

the chairs

zwischen den St�hlen

between the chairs = location

zwischen die St�hle

(going) between the chairs = direction