German: Conjugating Verbs in Past Tense


to buy

Ich Kaufte

I bought

du kauftest

you bought (singular/informal)

er/sie/es kaufte

he/she/it bought

wir kauften

we bought

ihr kauftet

you bought (plural/informal)

Sie kauften

you bought (singular/plural/formal)

sie kauften

they bought


to be

ich war

i was

du warst

you were (singular/informal)

er/sie/es war

he/she/it was

wir waren

we were

ihr wart

you were (plural/informal)

Sie waren

you were (singular/plural/formal)

sie waren

they were


to go

ich ging

i went

du gingst

you went (singular/informal)

er/sie/es ging

he/she/it went

wir gingen

we went

ihr gingt

you went (plural/informal)

Sie gingen

you went (singular/plural/formal)

sie gingen

they went

Ich hatte

i had

du hattest

you had (singular/informal)

er/sie/es hatte

he/she/it had

wir hatten

we had

ihr hattet

you had (plural/informal)

Sie hatten

you had (singular/plural/formal)

sie hatten

they had

ich wusste

I knew

du wusstest

you knew (singular/informal)

er/sie/es wusste

he/she/it knew

wir wussten

we knew

ihr wusstet

you knew (plural/informal)

Sie wussten

you knew (singular/plural/formal)

sie wussten

they knew