Industrial Revolution - Quiz 3

Explain the consequences of the Enclosure Movement (what exactly was the enclosure movement, what happened to people who didn't want to farm, and impact on farming) :

The enclosure movement was the idea of fencing off certain areas of land for farming. As a result, the more wealthy farmers got more land than before which took away farming in common. With this, many small farmers had to become tenet or move to the city

Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in Great Britain (explain why there was an abundance of capital and labor; list 2 additional reasons as to why the IR started in GB)?

The Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain because of people having too much money and no where to invest in it. So, many people invested in the industrial revolution.
1. The British government was concerned for commercial interests. Parliament pa

Originally, factories had to be located where? Why did that change? How did that impact population demographics?

Original factories had to be places near a running water source for it to work. This changed due to the magical abilities of coal. Coal changed water to steam which made the placement of factories have endless possibilities.

poor house
Explain what it was/relevance in British Society

a poor house is a place people with no employment when to for labor.
it was not a "nice" place to be. In these places, families got separated and conditions were at the ultimate bare minimum.
see later :)

How did the Rise of the Middle Class allow for different types of labor to be available for women?
a. Explain the types of jobs available to women/why they'd become available

Positions were needed and women fell into the perfect category for it. The jobs went from servants for middle class homes and working in textile mills. But, in the late 1800s, more jobs were available. These jobs had the dame ideas of taking care of child

the first essay paragraph...
Explain how the living conditions were a negative impact on the working class during the Industrial Revolution
Sub thesis
Use of a document
3 pieces of evidence OUTSIDE the document to support your claim (note - this co

good luck :)

The last part... the essay paragraph...
basically you have to surround your idea around the topic
"Regulations made by the government were a start to improve society for that of the working class"
Sub thesis
Explain utilitarianism
Choose 2 of the

good luck :)

Factory Act of 1819

restricted working age and hours

Factory Act of 1833

An act that limited the factory workday for children between nine and thirteen years of age to eight hours and that of adolescents between fourteen and eighteen years of age to twelve hours.

Ten Hours Act

The Factory Act of 1847, also known as the Ten Hours Act, restricted the working hours of women and children in British factories to effectively 10 hours per day.

Union Movement

in the 1800's working people became much more involved in politics. To create reforms workers joined together in voluntary associations called unions. Factory workers were faced with painfully long hours, and awful working conditions. They always had the