Societies/ Revolutions

Simplest society
nomadic / no possessions
Small groups
Wandered around for food
Everyone was equal- more like a little family

Hunter Gatherer

Nomadic tribes going around
Somebody realizes we can raise crops or we can keep a few sheep/ goats and we form a new kind of society: pastoral or horticultural

Revolution of Domestication

Sheep/ potatoes
Move around a little bit to find food
Don't have to hunt and gather
Can start to own things because we aren't moving around much (have utensils, spears, etc.)
Start having trade for the first time (sheep for potatoes)

Pastoral/ Horticultural

Invention of the plow
Can have a big giant farm and raise lots of potatoes

Agricultural Revolution

Cities start to develop
We have cultural pursuits
More mass produced food
Some people can move into the city to be artists/ shipbuilders/ blacksmiths
Dawn of civilization
We have poets and play rights but we also have trading and merchants
Armies are star


Invention of the steam engine
We can now have trains and factories, thus mass production
More class division- workers in the factories

Industrial Revolution

Result in manufacturing
Bourgeoise vs. proletariat
Haves vs. have nots
More interdependence between people
More alienation
More and more things being produced


Invention of the microchip
Started to move away from being a manufacturing society and now we are basically in the information age where we do everything electronically
Service industry (medical)
Becoming a global economy b/c you can trade with people in

Technology Revolution