Industrial Revolution

civil rights

basic legal political and social privileges, such as the right to a fair trial

Great Migration

Between 1916 and 1970, the mass movement of about 6 million African Americans from Southern farming areas to northern cities


variety within a group


unfair, negative opinions about a group of people


unfair treatment of a person or group by a government


a building that has been divided into many small apartments


a company that has control of an entire industry

labor union

a group of workers, usually in the same type of job, who have united to demand better wages and working conditions

melting pot

a place where Europeans could "melt" old ideas and prejudices and be molded into a new people called Americans

Industrial Revolution

the change from an economy based on agriculture and trade to one based on the manufacturing of goods

mass production

large scale product manufacturing

assembly line

A factory system in which a product is put together as it moves past a line of workers, each of whom does part of the whole job.

Bessemer process

A method of mass production in which steel is produced.