25-1 quiz


large farm fields enclosed by fences or hedges
allowed experimentation with new agricultural methods
wealthy landowners would buy enclosures and close it off

crop rotation

one year for example a farmer might plant a field with wheat, which exhausted soil nutrients. the next year he planted a root crop, such as turnips, to restore nutrients. this might be followed in turn by barley and then clover

agricultural revolution

improvement of farming methods
small farmers were crushed and often moved to cities
crop yields boosted


process of developing machine production of goods that needed natural resources like water power, coal, iron ore and harbors

industrial revolution

refers to the greatly increased output of machine-made goods throughout england in the 1700s
spread from england to continental europe to north america
resulted in changes in textile industry & transportation
resulted in growth in overseas trade, economic

three factors of production

resources needed to produce goods and services that the industrial revolution required
land, labor, capital

link between agricultural revolution and the industrial revolution

farmers were displaced because of larger farms (enclosures) and moved to cities to become factory workers in order to help pacify the demand for food and goods (result of population increase)

how did britain's economy affect the process of industrialization

business people invested in the manufacture of new inventions. britain's highly developed banking system... People were encouraged by the availability of bank loans to invest in new machinery and expand .. operations

what was the impact of the steam engine

the steam engine influenced the steam locomotive and boat. essentially transportation improved immensely as steam was used more and more as an energy source

what impact did technological advances have on industry

allowed for boost in industries because advances in technology (locomotive & railroad wise) allowed products to be shipped to other, distant, cities

benefit of the railroad in britain

manufactures were given a cheap way to transport materials and finished products
new jobs
agricultural and fishing industries profited because products could be moved to distant cities
country to city and city to country

who did the first ish steam driven locomotive

richard trevithick

who improved on trevithick's locomotive and steam engine and also worked on 1st railroad line

george stephenson