Chapter 6: Clusters and Repeats

Gene duplication

by recombination or errors in replication

Gene Variation

by accumulating mutations

Gene clusters

group of adjacent genes that are identical or related
tandem repeated genes

Unequal crossing-over (nonreciprocal recombination)

results from an error in pairing and crossing-over
- produces on recombinant with a deletion of genetic material and one with a duplication

Unequal crossing-over rearranges gene clusters BUT..

rare during an individuals lifetime, but significant over the course of evolution

Gene number can be changed by...

unequal crossing-over

HbH disease

disproportionate amount of the
abnormal tetramer ?4 relative to the amount of normal
hemoglobin (?2?2)

hydrops fetalis

absence of the hemoglobin ? gene;

Hb Lepore

unusual globin protein resulting from
unequal crossing-over between the ? and ? genes

Hb anti-Lepore

fusion gene that has the N-term of ?globin and the C-term of ?-globin

Hb Kenya

fusion gene of the A?- and ?-globin genes

Nontranscribed spacers


Genes in an rDNA cluster all have an...

Identical sequence


- discrete region of the nucleus where
ribosomes are produced ? high transcription rate

nucleolar organizer


Highly repetitive DNA, satellite DNA or Simple sequence

short repeating DNA sequences, no coding function
present in MOST eukaryotic genomes
Often the major constituent of centromeric Heterochromatin


10-100 bp


<10 bp


Most of the genome in the interphase nucleus
less tightly coiled than heterochromatin
contain most of the active or potentially active single-copy genes

in situ hybridization

used to identify the location of highly repetitive DNA

Satellite DNA is useful for DNA profiling because..

Analysis of the differences between individuals
based on restriction fragments that contain short
repeated sequences, or by using PCR