Lectures 4.7 & 4.8

allelic series

having multiple alleles


Phenotype of the heterozygote includes the phenotypes of both homozygotes.

complete dominance

Phenotype of the heterozygote is the same as the phenotype of one of the homozygotes.


interaction between genes in which the presence of a particular allele of one gene determines whether another gene will be expressed


Epistatic gene determines whether or not a trait will be expressed

gene interaction

an interaction where the effects of a gene at one locus depends on the effects of a gene (or genes) at another locus.

genetic map

diagram showing the relative positions of genes along a particular chromosome.

incomplete dominance

Phenotype of the heterozygote is intermediate to (i.e., falls within the range) the phenotypes of the two homozygotes.

lethal allele

causes death at an early stage of development (often before birth).


tendency of particular alleles of different genes to be inherited together.

map unit

physical distance that produces 1% recombinant offspring.

multiple alleles

Refers to a gene locus that has more than two alleles present within a population.


The occurrence of more than two distinct phenotypes of a trait in a population.

sex-influenced characteristic

Characteristics that are determined by autosomal genes and are inherited according to Mendel's principles, but are expressed differently in males and females.