Scarcity and Opportunity Cost


are factors of production that are used in the production of goods and services. Types of resources are natural, human, capital, and entrepreneurship.

There are ______ factors of production


The 4 factors of production are?

Natural Resources, Human Resources, Capital Resources, and Entrepreneurs

Natural Resources

Are "gifts of nature" and exist without human intervention.

human resources

refer to the effort of people which is applied to the production of goods and services

There are ______ types of capital resources


What are the 2 types of capital resources?

Physical Capital and Human Capital

Physical Capital

Refers to manmade goods, such as tools, which are used o produce other goods.

Human Capital

Refers to the skills and knowledge a person has acquired through experience and/or education.


Are individuals who are willing to take risks, to bring the other resources together and develop new product, and new businesses. Entrepreneurs exist to earn a profit.


Is the amount of money left after all expenses have been paid.


is the combining of human, natural, capital, and entrepreneurship resources to make goods or provide services. Resources available and consumer preferences determine what is produced.

Consumer Preferences

The subjective (individual) tastes. Note that preferences are independent of income and prices.


is the using of goods and services. Consumer preferences and price determine what is purchased and consumed.


Is the condition of not being able to have all the goods and service one wants. (Limited resources)


is selection of an item or action from a set of possible alternatives. Individuals must choose or make decisions about desired goods and services because these goods and services are limited.

Making a choice is

2 choices

All choices have

opportunity costs

Opportunity Cost

Is the value of the best alternative given up.