Renaissance Review

Black Death

the epidemic form of bubonic plague experienced during the Middle Ages when it killed nearly half the people of western Europe.
Killed masses of people before the renaissance period, came in on black rats from Asia on trade ships .

Trade Routes

Closed during the Black Death, opened back up after, how they got their goods and supplies from other countries


The move from rural to urban areas

Cosimo de Medici

Was not born into nobility he sought knowledge from the ancient world and returned with it to Florence. The Medici family becomes the most famous family after backing a Pope. He expands his network vastly through patronage and commissioned Donatello.

Lorenzo de Medici

The son of Cosimo, he had a political marriage to another powerful family and his wife was the niece of a cardinal. When his father dies he takes over, he is reluctant but good at it. He was interested in controversial art that swayed towards the pagan st

Renaissance Man

Was a jack of all trades, a universal genius, could master all things

St Bartholomew's Day Massacre

On the day that Henry of Navarre got married Catholics attacked protestants in protest of the marriage and caused many deaths, the events of this day led to 15 years of religious war.


Ancient roman structure that Brunelleschi studied to figure out how to build domes


One who painted the Sistine Chapel. He painted everyone nude and the clergy did not like this, when they asked him to paint clothes on them he refused and they had to hire another artist to come in and paint clothes on the people.

Raphael: The School Athens

Combination of Renaissance figures and ancient greek thinkers in one painting

La Pieta

Detailed sculpture of Mary holding Jesus, done by Michelangelo in St. Peter's Basilica

Security Dilemma

Every power in Italy wanted to unite it under their total control, caused rivalries and others would step in during wars to make sure a certain power wouldn't gain control


Another person claiming to be the true Pope, they were backed by wealthy families in other countries

Council of Trent

Met to debate the questions of religion, should they ban together etc.

The citizens/nobles/prince

Citizens, had to protect the state, it protects them. Nobility, be able to handle themselves in combat and similar matters as well as helping their prince in an matter needed. Prince, needed to protect those under him, and protect the state.

Martin Luther

Leader of Lutheranism, criticized the Church for many things and started the Reformation though he did not want to break away from the church only reform it, he ended up being excommunicated. Disagreed with the selling of indulgences. He could do this bec

95 Theses

Where Martin Luther wrote his complaints about the Catholic Church concerning the selling of indulgences. He nailed it to the church doors.


Anything going against the church

Papal Wealth

Due to the selling of indulgences the Clergy were very wealthy. They were rich and used a lot of this wealth to build large churches, such as Saint Peter's Basilica. (this wealth was part of what the protestants disagreed with)


Started the theory that the earth is not the center of the universe and the other planets and sun do not orbit it, the planets orbit the sun and the moons that planets, Heliocentrism


The theory that Copernicus started sun at the center of the universe went against ptolemaic geocentrism

Scientific Revolution

Where new ideas about the world came about, many great strides in science happened here such as Newton's laws of motion. Was able to happen because of the Reformation, created an atmosphere were challenges to the church were not met with instant death thr


Does not follow the specific teachings of the church

Ulrich Zwingli

Disagreed with many of the actions of the church, he wanted to break away from the church entirely.

Act of Supremacy

Created the Anglican Church and decides that the king has the power to appoint Bishops and they give the king a divorce which turns the church to politics

Living Conditions/Sanitation (wrt Black Death)

It was crowded most people had moved to urban areas, no precautions for disease control, so disease spread quickly when clergy went around to give last rites and such they spread it and ended up with it themselves.

Decline in Serfdom

People moved out of rural areas to urban after the plague, caused this decline.

Medici Bank

The Medici were a wealthy family in Florence and they gained the money for their bank through a large network that gave them credibility. They used this money for patronage to many artists. Priests blamed them for foreigners attacking Florence.

Brunelleschi: Dome

He was hired by the Medici, rediscovered architecture and brought back the styles to create domes for the church


Was like a sponsorship, artists would do works for their patron as well as doing anything else they wanted. They never had to worry about selling their work they had the time to do what they pleased as well as giving some of it back to the patron so that

Leonardo Da Vinci

Studied various things like anatomy, geometry, mapping, and more. He was a jack of all trades and was able to study these things due to patronage

Classical Forms

Arches, domes, triangular forms, and load bearing columns

Linear Perspective

Created 3D representations of art, created by Brunelleschi

Donatello: David

Cosimo de Medici commissioned David and was a close friend of Donatello. The sculpture was seen as profane and was a risk to do, he had the backing of the Medici so he was ok.


Ability of a state to govern its territory free from control of its internal affairs by other states.
The authority of a state to govern itself.

Balance of Power

Italy was fragmented they had a multipolar system and multiple sovereign centers of power.


He wrote "The Prince" with advice to the prince to gain their favor. His writings described what the ideal prince should look like.


People began to question the church and some of the practices of it. People didn't like the absenteeism, officials that were hired by wealthy families but were not qualified to practice in the church, and all of the Anti-popes.


These religious groups came about in protest of the Catholic church and some of the things that it did that the protestants did not agree with. Some of these protestants wanted to reform the church others wanted to break away entirely. There were differen


The pope or different priests would grant these to people in exchange for money or goods and services. They were supposed to be a way to lessen your time in purgatory and help ensure you got into heaven, they "resolved you of your sins.


Banishment from the church.
Banned from the church by the church, could not be associated with it


The churches response to the reformation, instead of trying to work things out with the protestants they decided to fight back against the heresy.


Where a society of monks, they were more active in the community and had a goal of converting more people to the church. They went out and taught people, went all over the place even to the new world.


They were protestant believers and included some of France's royal family, they were granted equality with Catholics by the Edict of Nantes.

Henry of Navarre (Henry IV)

Married the kings sister, who was Catholic, he was protestant. After Saint Bartholomew Day Massacre, Catholics attacked protestants many killed and resulted in a 15 years of religious war. When the King dies they offer the throne to Henry in exchange for

Henry VIII

Was unhappy not having an heir be born from his first wife, asked the church for a divorce so he could remarry and get an heir. The pope was a nephew to his wife and refused so he decided to break away from the church and start a different one. He then go

Elizabeth I

Daughter of Henry VIII, she tries to convert England back to Catholicism and fails, they stay protestant

Dome of St. Peter's

The work that was done by Michelangelo was expensive


Earth at the center of the universe


Believed in the ideas of heliocentrism, the church did not like this forced him to give up his studies and he was watched. He believed that if something(scientific discoveries) went against the Bible the Bible was being misinterpreted. Since he was in Ita