macro 1-2


people are not equal and equal people are not free


makes all the difference in the world


policy requires we consider the long run effects and people, not simply short run benefits and few people


belong to you, you tend to take care of; what belongs to no one or everyone tends to fall into disrepair


you encourage something, you get for of it; If you discoruage something you get less of it.


spends someone else's money as carefully as he spends his own.


has nothing to give anybody except what it frist takes from somebody, and a government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you've got.


trade improves standards of living


ownership of property is critical for economic success.


is good, not bad.


living in market based economies prosper; those in planned economies do not.

A rule

of law requires representative democracy


regulation is costly


entitlement programs create dangerous disincentives and harm national economic health


taxtion impedes work and risk taking, while reducing government revenue.

factors of production

land, labor, capital, managment

opportunity cost

whatever must be given up to obtain some item


demand production Employment income

The three fundamental truths of economics

There no free lunches. there are no free rides. the chicken always comes home to the roost.

Societies 2 big lies

Budweiser -grab all the gusto you can. New york- You deserve

Origin of economics

Admin Smith, 1776, wealth if nations

Three main economic goals

full employment, stable prices, economic growth

Master what word?



what economics are thinking at the time

2 scarcest reasources

time and money


give money for something


the creation of the product for demand


The people needed to bring about the job


the money paid to employees

Economic Problems

Limited income, unlimited wants

What is the dominant economic force that decides things?

The Market

freedom of enterprise

Produce what you want

freedom if choice

use what you want

what is the basic regulatory force in the market?


Every time we spend money we make

Dollar votes

Who gets the goods and services

Those that have the money

How does the system accommodate change

R and D

creative destruction

The creation and destruction of businesses through revolutions in technology.

Virtues of market systen

Efficiency, Freedom, Income

The secret behind most bull econs is for the econ to grow without

Inflation or Higher interest rates

Inflation comes

when the labor market gets tight. demand exceeds supply.

Corporate profits are forcast to exceed


Top to areas where charatable donations go

Religion and Education

Kit Kat came into being in

1973 in Japan

In Japan kit Kat has

350 flavors

Marijuana elvates the chance of mental illness __ times and sucide __ times


how many percent of college students comesume weed


lab test have shown that __ is tainted by harmful pesticides


Nearly half the Earth's agricultural land is used to grow food for


In 25 years or less the world's pop will grow to be

9 to 10 billion

The Equifax data breach impacted

146 million people

In 2016 usa pet owners spent over

66 billion dollars on their pets

the best deal on a used card is to buy one

2-3 years old.

housing represents nearly

1/6th of the us GDP

Total amount held in all 401ks as of April 28

5.3 trillion

new research shows that to middle income earners that social sexeyity can provides from __ to __ in total retirement income

1/2 to 3/4ths

only __ wait untill 70 before receiving social security


The average home roughly has

40 lightbulbs

as if April 2018 unemployment was
