The Economic System At Works Terms

Market Economy

an economic system in which individuals are free to compete, to earn a living, to earn a profit, and to own property

Free Market

an economic system in which buyers and sellers are free to exchange goods and services as they choose


the income a buisness has left after paying its expenses


the problem of limited resources

Law Of Supply

an economic rule that states that buisness will provide more products when they can sell them at higher prices and fewer products when they must sell them at lower prices

Law Of Demand

an economic rule that states that buyers will demand more products when they can buy them at lower prices and fewer products when they must buy them at higher prices

Free Enterprise

principle that buisness owners in a free market are allowed to run their buisnesses in any way they see fit, with little government interference


an economic system based on private ownership of the means of production


a company that controls all production of a good or service

Sole Proprietorship

buisnesses organizations owned by one person


a buisness organization in which two or more persons share responsiblities , costs, profits, and losses


a buisness organization chatered by s state government and given power to conduct buisness, sell stock, and recieve protection of state laws


a share of ownership in a corporation


people who own corporate stock


profits paid to corporate stockholders

Nonprofit Organizations

buisness organizations that provide goods and services without seeking to earn a profit

Natural Resources

any natural materials that are used by humans, such as water, petroleum, minerals, forests, and animals


money invested in buisness; also property, and equipment used to produce goods or services


human effort used to make goods and srervices


a buisness owner