chapter 6 study guide

lesson 1



A professional soldier hired by a foreign army


To enlist in the military

lesson 1


What are some advantages the British had over the Patriots?

more equipment and shelters.

What is another name for a Loyalist?


Why did the Loyalist support the British?

they relied on the British for supplies

What are some advantages the Patriots have over the British?.


Why could the Continental Army not beat the British in the Battle of Long Island?


Why were African Americans at first banned from serving in the army?


What did Washington's surprise attack across the Delaware River on Christmas night do for the Patriots?


Describe the British's strategy to take Albany, New York.


How was the Battle of Saratoga a success for the Patriots?


lesson 2



A continuous rise in the price of goods and services

lesson 2


Who are some allies (countries) to the Patriots? Describe how they helped.


Describe what the weather was like in the winter at Valley Forge.


How did the soldiers react to the winter at Valley Forge?


Describe how foreign countries helped on the battlefield. (You can pick one person to describe.)


Americans had problems getting enough money to finance the war because...


How did the war affect attitudes toward slavery in the United States?


Describe the Loyalist treatment during the war.


lesson 3



an act or means of sealing off a place to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving.


armed private ship licensed to attack merchant ships

lesson 3


During the war, Native Americans generally supported the...


How was Britain's blockade effective?


Why were privateers important to the American Navy?


Describe the Hit-and-Run Tactics. Were they effective?


lesson 4



the surrounding of a place in order to force it to surrender


to approve


a surprise attack

lesson 4


What role did the French play in the Patriot victory at Yorktown?


What was Washington's new plan on attacking Cornwallis and why did he keep it a secret?


How were the British trapped in Yorktown?


Why did Cornwallis surrender?


What Treaty explains to Great Britain that the United States is independent?


Why was there a conspiracy against Congress?




1."And we not only groan under our own Burden, but with Concern, and Horror, look forward, and Contemplate, the miserable Condition of our Children, who were training up, and kept in Preparation, for a like State of Bondage, and Servitude. (We ask) your H

2."I was not yet fourteen years of age... The boys were employed in waiting on the officers, but in time of action a boy was quartered (assigned) to each gun to carry cartridges."
-from Andrew Sherburne's
Experiences on a Privateer
During the Revolutionar





lesson 1



A professional soldier hired by a foreign army


To enlist in the military

lesson 1


What are some advantages the British had over the Patriots?

more equipment and shelters.

What is another name for a Loyalist?


Why did the Loyalist support the British?

they relied on the British for supplies

What are some advantages the Patriots have over the British?.


Why could the Continental Army not beat the British in the Battle of Long Island?


Why were African Americans at first banned from serving in the army?


What did Washington's surprise attack across the Delaware River on Christmas night do for the Patriots?


Describe the British's strategy to take Albany, New York.


How was the Battle of Saratoga a success for the Patriots?


lesson 2



A continuous rise in the price of goods and services

lesson 2


Who are some allies (countries) to the Patriots? Describe how they helped.


Describe what the weather was like in the winter at Valley Forge.


How did the soldiers react to the winter at Valley Forge?


Describe how foreign countries helped on the battlefield. (You can pick one person to describe.)


Americans had problems getting enough money to finance the war because...


How did the war affect attitudes toward slavery in the United States?


Describe the Loyalist treatment during the war.


lesson 3



an act or means of sealing off a place to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving.


armed private ship licensed to attack merchant ships

lesson 3


During the war, Native Americans generally supported the...


How was Britain's blockade effective?


Why were privateers important to the American Navy?


Describe the Hit-and-Run Tactics. Were they effective?


lesson 4



the surrounding of a place in order to force it to surrender


to approve


a surprise attack

lesson 4


What role did the French play in the Patriot victory at Yorktown?


What was Washington's new plan on attacking Cornwallis and why did he keep it a secret?


How were the British trapped in Yorktown?


Why did Cornwallis surrender?


What Treaty explains to Great Britain that the United States is independent?


Why was there a conspiracy against Congress?




1."And we not only groan under our own Burden, but with Concern, and Horror, look forward, and Contemplate, the miserable Condition of our Children, who were training up, and kept in Preparation, for a like State of Bondage, and Servitude. (We ask) your H

2."I was not yet fourteen years of age... The boys were employed in waiting on the officers, but in time of action a boy was quartered (assigned) to each gun to carry cartridges."
-from Andrew Sherburne's
Experiences on a Privateer
During the Revolutionar



