01.06 Macro


What consumers are willing and able to buy at every price level

quantity demanded

The amount of a good or service buyers are willing and able to buy at one price.

law of demand

The law that states that as the price of any good or service increases, the quantity of that good or service demanded will fall and vice versa.

income effect

The change in quantity demanded as a result of a change in a consumer's real income when prices increases

substitution effect

The change in quantity demanded when the price of one good increases relative to the price of another good


Price changes the______________demanded of any item


If price is high, quantity demanded is_________.


If price is low, quantity demanded is__________.


quantity demanded (QD) has increased when people purchase____________of a product

whole curve

Demand (D) is the______________�overall demand for a good or service at all prices


Quantity demanded, is a specific point on the curve, showing how much will be________________at a specific price


when price changes, only the quantity________________ changes as a result.


A decrease in demand would result in the curve shifting to the___________.


A shift to the right indicates an________________in demand


The acronym_______________can help you remember five different factors that can cause a shift in demand

Tastes and preferences
Related goods and services
Buyers, number of
Expectations of price

TRIBE stands for:

complements, substitutes

Related goods are called_______________and_________.

another good

Complements are goods whose demand is dependent upon the change in price of_____________. If the price of tennis shoes decreases, the demand for shoe laces increases.


The example above would demonstrate a substitute good. When the price of one good increases, the demand for a substitute good such as the sandals will____________.

rises, normal (superior) goods

As income____________, consumers will buy more____________________


As income falls, consumers will buy more_____________goods.

income effect

If the price of a good is lowered�let's say the price of brownies is lowered from 50 cents to 25 cents�he might buy another brownie because he can buy more brownies with his limited income. This is called the_____________________

substitution effect.

if the price of brownies increases from 50 cents to $1, Jim will substitute the less expensive cookies to increase his purchasing power. This is called the__________________.