Year 9 Humanities - Economics

Opportunity Cost

What you have to give up if you choose to do A rather than B


Things ready for consumption of human wants (clothing, food)


Activities provided by other people (doctors, hairdressers, waiters)


Goods and services that are made in one country and shipped to another country


Good and services brought into one country from another country

Standard of living

The level of wealth, comfort and material goods available to a particular class


All activities undertaken for the purpose of producing, distributing and consuming good and services


Things that are essential for survival


Things we desire but are not necessary for survival


A person or group that is the final user of goods and services produced in an economy


Individuals and businesses involved in the production of goods and services


The quantity of goods and services that consumers are willing to buy at a given place


A quantity of goods and services that producers are willing to sell at a given price

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country's borders in a specific time period

Household Sector

Refers to all consumers in the economy

Business Sector

Made up of a large number of producers, all seeking to provide goods and services to satisfy the needs and wants of households

Economic Resources

Land, labour, capital


When there is an increase in the level of prices paid for goods and services over a period of time usually a yearly basis.

Free enterprise

where individuals can set up a business and make a profit.

Socialist Economies

Cuba, China, North Korea

Capitalist Economies

Great Britain, Canada, United States