History Chapter 8 (Completed)


Formal ceremony starting the presidents term

What did Washington put in at the end of the inauguration and touch that wasn't planned?

He said, "So help me God." And put his hand on the Bible.

Why did Washington have a good reason to be solemn?

He had only four million people, seven hundred thousand were slaves. Foreign nations were unfriendly and its new form of government. The nation had no money in its treasury and lacked a strong navy and army. The constitution had outlines a framework for t


A group of advisors to help the president with his responsibilities

What did Hamilton believe? (He was a federalist)

The central government should be quite strong.

What did Jefferson believe? (He was an Anti-Federalist)

He wanted more power in the state government.

What was the biggest problem facing the new administration?

Lack of funds.

Excise Tac

A tax paid for the manufacture or sale of certain goods and services within a country.

Excise Tax

A tax paid for the manufacture or a sale of certain goods and services within a country

Funding Bill of 1970

Arranged repaying the bonds at their printed value plus interest.

Nations Bank

A bank could hold the tax revenue in one place any the nations financial dealings could be handled through the bank.

Who owned the major share of the national bank?

Private citizens

What were the two political parties?

Federalist and Democratic-Republican

Who were the two leaders of the Parties?

Fed- Hamilton Dem-Repub- Jefferson

Whiskey Rebellion

Summer of 1974, Us citizens rioted over excise tax on whiskey. Washington decided to the rule of law, "Wr cannot let freedom turn into lawlessness

Anthony Wayne

A well trained force entered what is now northwestern Ohio.

Fallen Timbers

Where Americans defeated a band of Indians and their allies.

What are three precedents set by George Washington?

Put his hand on the Bible and said so help me God, established cabinet, served a 2 four year terms.

Who was the Secretary of State?

Alexander Hamilton

What four actions included the secretary of states in his financial program to help the nation pay its debt and meet its financial obligations?

Put excise tax on whiskey, money borrowed during revolution, government to repay debts of state, established national bank.

Who led the group of people who opposed UP of state debts and federal involvement in banking?

Thomas Jefferson

Give two reasons why Indians had attacked settlers.

Invading the land, forced the Indians out of their own homes.

At the beginning pf the French Revolution, what was the reaction of the Americans?

Cheerful and Happy for the French.

What official position did the United States take toward European conflict in 1793?


What did Washington issue urge Americans to be impartial toward France and Britain during the French Revolution?

Neutrality proclamation

Who was Edmond Charles Genet?

Frenchmen came to the United States to test the Neutrality Proclamation

For what reasons did Britain seize American ships and impress American soldiers?

Higher pay and Better Treatment

Who did Washington send to Britain to head a peace mission?

John Jay

What two issues were settled by the Pinckney Treaty and with what country was the treaty made with?

Right of deposit in New Orleans, 31 parallel of latitude to the south of the United States Boundary.

What precedent did Washington set when the house tried to block the carrying out of the Jay Treaty?

That it must be ratified by the senate.

What was the most important precedent set by Washington?

His 2 four year term

What words did Henry Lee use to describe Washington?

First in war, first in peace, first in the heart of his countrymen.

Who was the first Vice President?

John Adams

What was unusual about the election of 1796?

Peaceful, did not respond in riot or rebellion.

John Adams failure as president was largely due to what?

He kept Washington's cabinet.

How did the French react to Jay's Treaty with England?

They were angered.

What incident led America to prepare war with France?

Angered by Jay Treaty.

Name three steps Americans took to defend themselves.

United States agreed to limit trade with France and pay British citizens what Americans owed them. France became very hostile and raised American shipping.

What incident led America to prepare war with France?

Xyz affair. Called for Navy tripled size of army Washington recalled as commander in Chief.

What agreement averted war between America and France?

Convention of 1800

What was the name of the most famous United States frigate that was built in effort to establish a strong Navy?

USS constitution

What did the sedition ACT say? Why did the republicans feel this was unfair?

Kept the Republican Party from getting powers, felt like it violated the freedom of press.

Explain the Alien Enemies and Alien act.

President could imprison or expel dangerous foreigners

What was the naturalization act? Who do it benefit? Why?

Extended time required to gain citizenship five to fourteen years. It kept them from voting so quickly. Allowed federalists more years in power.

Who were the midnight judges?

Judges appointed by john Adams late the night before he left office.

What did john Marshall believe about the governments power in relation to the courts?

Felt like judicial was the weakest branch of all three.

What Supreme Court case exercise judicial review?
What was the case about?

Madison refused to release the commission of appointing Marbury as a judge
*John Marshall had an influence because his belief was that the government could be made stronger through courts, he unified the courts by making the judges have a private conferen

ESSAY question:
What were the dangers of the Sedition Acts? Be specific. Give examples.

(Dangers) It was an infringement on personal freedoms and it gave the government to much power (Examples) Alien Enemies, Naturalization Act, and Sedition Act