M300 Quiz 1


Is the activities, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.

Marketing and innovation

2 functions of business

Peter Drucker

The father of modern management

Marketing Mix

The set of controllable, tactical marketing tools that the firm blends to create value for customers and produce the response it wants from the target market

Product, Price, Place, Promotion, and Target Market

Marketing Mix


The "goods-and-services" the company offers to the target market


The amount of money customers have to pay to obtain the product


Company activities that make the product available to target consumers


Activities that communicate the merits of the product and persuade target customers to buy it


______________ is the surplus after all expense is deducted from revenue

Brand Personality

_______ _____________ Is a set of human characteristics that are attributed to a brand name.


What is the firm's buying ____________?


What is the customer firms purchasing ____________________?


Who participates on the buying ___________?

New Task

The problem or need is totally different from previous experiences

Modified Rebuy

Decision makers feel there are benefits to be derived by reevaluating alternatives.

Straight Rebuy

The problem or need is a recurring or continuing situation

Step 1

Organizational Buying Process: Problem recognition

Step 2

Organizational Buying Process: General description of need

Step 3

Organizational Buying Process: Product specifications

Step 4

Organizational Buying Process: Supplier search

Step 5

Organizational Buying Process: Acquisition and analysis of proposals

Step 6

Organizational Buying Process: Supplier selection

Step 7

Organizational Buying Process: Selection of order routine

Step 8

Organizational Buying Process: Performance review


Entails the acquisition of resources and capabilities for the firm from outside providers.

Purchasing Orientation

Is the overall philosophy that guides managers who make purchasing-related decisions and delineates their domain and span of influence


Concerns executing discrete transactions with suppliers.


Pursues quality improvements and cost reductions through the integration of purchasing with other functions and cooperative relationships with first-tier suppliers.

Supply Management

Entails the integration and coordination of purchasing with other functions in the firm and other firms in the value network


Are those in the organization who recognize the need


Are those that will use the product or service


Help define specifications and provide information for evaluating alternatives


Have formal power to select and approve potential suppliers


Have the "sign-off" authority to move the acquisition forward


Have formal authority to arrange terms of purchase


Control the flow of access and information