Personal Financial Literacy Vocabulary


the money you earn for doing your job


earnings, salary, wages

Income tax

money paid to the government based on a person's income

Income tax

this tax increases if you make more money

Payroll tax

money withheld from a person's earnings by their employer based on their salary

Payroll tax

combination of taxes such as social security or healthcare

Property tax

money paid to the government based different properties

Property tax

taxed on things such as, homes, land, cars, or boats.

Sales tax

money paid to the government on goods and services, such as groceries

Gross Income

the total amount a person earns from working

Gross Income

amount of money before taxes

Net Income

amount of money a person gets paid after taxes


a list of estimated income and expenses

Balanced Budget

when expenses = income

Unbalanced Budget

expenses are greater than income

Unbalanced budget

you want to spend more money than you have.


purchases made on goods and services(money spent)