Vocabulary Growth: Terminology Chapter 4 A Flashcards

carte blanche

full authority, freedom to do as one feels is right, a "white paper

coup d' etat

sudden overthrow of government, usually by force

de rigueur

required absolutely by custom, etiquette, or fashion


easing of tensions between countries

double entendre

expression or word that can be interpreted with two meanings, one
usually with risque meaning

en masse

as a group all together

faux pas

a slipup in manners, actions, or speech; literally a "false step


trite expression that has become meaningless from overuse


complete disaster, sudden collapse


the outer side of a building, the side facing the street; the general
outward apperance


awkward, lacking in grace


vague bodily discomfort; disturbed, disoriented condition

hors d' oeuvres

an appetizer served before the main meal and often before diners have
been seated at the table