Principles of Radiographic Imaging: Radiographic Imaging Chapter 2 Vocabulary Flashcards

1. Z number

The number of nuclear protons in an atom unique to each element. aka
atomic number

2. Shell

The energy level occupied by an electron determined by the distance
from the nucleus.

3. String theory

The idea that matter behaves differently depending on the vibration
of the string -like matter.

4. Substance

A material that has a definite and constant composition.

5, Tempature

A measurement of thermal energy

6. Thermal energy

The result of motion of atoms and molecules aka heat.

7. Wavelength

The distance between two successive points on a wave.

8. Valence

The chemical combining characteristics of an element; determined by
the number of electrons in outer most shell.

9. Weight

The force that an object exerts under influence of gravity.

10. Photon

A small bundle of energy. The specific amount of energy. The specific
amount of energy depends on frequency; also known as quantum.

11. Octet rule

The number of electron in the outermost shell never exceeds eight electrons.

12. Period

The time required to complete one cycle of the wave

13. Potential energy

The energy an object has because of its position.

14. Proton (p+)

Positively charged subatomic particle of an atom.

15. Quantum

A small bundle of energy. The specific amount of energy depends on
frequency; also known as a photon.

16. Radiation

Energy emitted and transferred through matter.

17. Quark

Subnuclear structure that makes up protons and neutrons.

18. K shell

The orbital shell closest to the nucleus

19. Mass

The quantity of matter contained in an object.

20. M theory

Electrons and quarks may not be particles, but instead may be
extremely small loops of rapidly vibrating string like matter.

21. Lambada

The greek letter that represents the measurement of a wavelength.

22. Kinetic energy

The energy in motion

23. Isotope

Atoms that have the same number of photons in the nucleus but differ
in the number neutrons.

24. Ionization

The process of adding or removing an electron from an atom.

25. Ion

An atom that has gained or lost an electron.

26 .Electron (e-)

Negatively charged subatomic particles of an atoms.

27. Electrons volt (eV)

Measurement of the binding energy of an electron; the energy one
electron will have is accelerated by an electrical potential of 1 volt.

28. Electron binding energy Eb

The amount of energy needed to remove the electron from the atom.

29. Element

A simple substance, can not be broken down into any simpler
substances by ordinary means.

30. Excitation

Process in which electrons in an atom are moved to a higher energy
state without actually being removed from the atom.

31. Electromagnetic spectrum

Describes the different forms of electromagnetic radiation.

32. Heat

The result of the motion of atoms and molecules; also known as
thermal energy.

33. Electromagnetic radiation (EM)

A form of energy that is the result of electrical ans magnetic
disturbances in space.

34. Electrical energy

Result of movements of electrons; aka electricity.

35. Frequency

The number of waves that passes a particular point

36. Compound

A complex substance; two or more elements that are chemically united
ina definite proportion.

37. Chemically energy

The form of energy released during a chemical reaction.

38. Atomic number

The number of protons in an atom unique to each element; also known
as the z number.

39. Atomic mass unit

The mass of the particles of an atom

40. Atom

Smallest particle of an element that still possesses the
characteristics of the element.

41. Nucleus

The small dense center of an atom; consists of protons and neutrons.

42. Mechanical energy

The result of the action of machines or physical movement; can be
potential or kinetic.

43. Amplitude

The intensity of the wave defined by its maximal height.

44. Molecule

Two or more atoms chemically united; the smallest particle of a
compound that still possesses the characteristics of the compound.

45. Neutron (n0 )

Subatomic particles of an atom containing no charge.

46. nu

Greek letter used to describe the number of cycles per second.

47. Nuclear energy

The energy stored in the bond of the nucleus of an atom.

48. Nucleon

Protons and neutrons that make up the nucleus.

49. MIxtutre

The combination of two or more substances.