vocabulary words Flashcards


An abnormal reaction of the body to a previously encountered
allergen introduced by inhalation,ingestion,injection,or skin.


the action or process of altering or being altered.


A container holding a spool of photographic film a quantity of inc.


A complete list of


To state that one refuses to admit the truth or existence of.


A division of a large organization such as a government,
university,business of shop.


To predict or estimate (a future event of trend)


A worker especially a man,who supervises and directs.


The quality of being clever,original and inventive.


A person or animal that lives in or occupies a place.

dimensional analysis

analysis using the fact that physical quantities added to or equated
with each other must be expressed in terms of the same fundamental
quantities (such as mass, length, or time) for inferences to be made
about the relations between them

equivalent equations

The equations x = 1 and 2x = 2 are
equivalent, since the only solution to either
equation is 1. The equations 2x = 0
and 3x = 0 are equivalent, since the only solution to
either equation is 0


The definition of a formula is a
group of mathematical symbols that express a
relationship or that are used to solve a problem, or a way to make
something. A group of math symbols that expresses the
relationship between the circumference of a circle and its diameter is
an example of a formula


In mathematics an identity is an
equality relation A = B, such that A and B contain some variables and
A and B produce the same value as each other regardless of what values
(usually numbers) are substituted for the variables. In other words, A
= B is an identity if A and B define
the same functions

multi step equation

To solve an equation like this, you must first get
the variables on the same side of the equal sign. Add -2.5y to both
sides so that the variable remains on one side only. Now isolate the
variable by subtracting 10.5 from both sides. Multiply both sides by
10 so that 0.5y becomes 5y, then divide by 5

percent of change

To calculate the percentage increase: First: work
out the difference (increase) between the two numbers you are
comparing. Then: divide the increase by the original number and
multiply the answer by 100. If your answer is a negative number then
this is apercentage decrease


A proportion is a name we give to a statement that
two ratios are equal. It can be written in two ways: two equal
fractions, or, using a colon, a:b = c:d.


a measure, quantity, or frequency, typically one measured against
some other quantity or measure


the quantitative relation between two amounts showing the number of
times one value contains or is contained within the other

scale model

A scale model is a representation or copy of an
object that is larger or smaller than the actual size of the object
being represented. Very often the scale model is
smaller than the original and used as a guide to making the object in
full size

solve an equation

Solve linear, quadratic, biquadratic. absolute and radical equations, step-by-step

unit rate

Search ResultsWhen rates are expressed as a quantity of 1, such as
2 feet per second or 5 miles per
hour, they are called unit rates. If you have a multiple-unit
rate such as 120 students for every 3 buses, and want to find the
single-unit rate, write a ratio equal to the multiple-unit rate with 1
as the second term

weight average

Weighted average is a mean calculated by giving
values in a data set more influence according to some attribute of the
data. It is an average in which each quantity to be
averaged is assigned a weight, and these weightings
determine the relative importance of each quantity on the average