Vocabulary: Cardiovascular System Flashcards


points inferiorly toward the left hip


doubled-walled sac that encloses the heart


Visceral layer of the serous pericardium, integral
part of the heat wall


middle layer of heart wall, composed mainly of cardiac
muscle, the layer that contracts


Endothelial membrane that lines the interior
of the heart


Two superior chambers


Two inferior chambers

Interventricular Septum

separates the ventricles

Pulmonary Circulation

The blood vessels that carry blood to and from the lungs

AV Valves

Prevents backflow into the atrium when the connected
ventricles contract

Chordae Tendineae

tiny white collagen cords attach each AV valve,
anchor the cusps to the papillary muscles. Serve as guide wire

Semilunar Valves (SL Valves)

Valves that prevent blood return to the VENTRICLES
after contraction

Systemic Circulation

blood vessels that carry blood to and from all body tissues

Cardiac Cycle

Includes ALL events associated with the
blood flow through the heart during one complete heartbeat

Stroke Volume

Volume of blood pumped out by one
ventricle with each beat

Red Blood Cells (erythrocytes)

small cells flattened discs with depressed
centers Blood viscosity

Systolic Pressure

Pressure peak generated by
ventricular contraction
Averages: 120 mm HG

Diastolic Pressure

Aortic pressure drops to its lowest level

Average: 70-80 mm HG

Cardiac Output (CO)

Amount of blood pumped out of a ventricle in one minute


Blood vessels that conduct blood away from the heart and into
the circulation


Smallest of the blood vessels and the sites of exchange
between the blood and tissue cells


Blood vessels that return blood toward the heart from the circulation