HES 362- Chapter 1 (Vocabulary) Flashcards

Developmentally Appropriate

age appropriateness, the universal and predictable patterns of growth
and development that occur in children form birth through age 8, and
(2) individual rates and patterns of physical/ motor, social,
emotional, cognitive, language and literacy development, personality
and learning style and family and cultural background of each child.


the education model that includes children with developmental
challenges in general education settings


infants and children who are subject to any of number of risk factors
(such as poverty, drug exposure, genetic and/ or developmental
anomalies, and family dynamics) that make them vulnerable to
compromised growth and development


infants and children whose risk factors are minimal or absent

Developmentally inappropriate

expectations or practices that fail to acknowledge age and individual
characteristics and needs

Essential experiences

experiences deemed critical at certain times during early growth and
development, which have growth including influence on the brain's
neurological structures