Science Midterm



An objet is in motion when it's distance from another object is chnaging

Reference point

A place or object used for comparisonto determine if something is in motion

Speed Equation


Time Equation

T= D/S

Distance Eqiuation



Speed in a given direction

Average speed equation

Total distance/ Total time

Acceleration equation

AC= F.S.- I.S./ Time

Three ways an object can accelerate

Increasing speed, Decreasing speed, and changing direction

Force equation

Mass x Acceleration

Net Force

The combination of all forces acting on an object

Difference between Balanced and unbalanced forces

Balanced forces acting on an object don't change the object's motion, while unbalanced forces do


The force that two forces exert on each other when they rubagainst each other

4 types of friction

Rolling, Sliding, Fluid, Static


A push or pull


The rate at which velocity changes


The distance the object travels per unit of time


A force that pulls objects towards each other

Newton's gravity theory

That gravity acts everywhere in the universe

Difference between mass and weight

Your weight varies on the strength of the gravitational force, while your mass doesn't

Projectile motion

If you throw two balls in different directions from the same starting point, they will hit the ground at the same time

Newtons first law of motion

An object in motion will stay in motion, and an object at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an unbalanced force
When a car moves forward and suddenly stops, you push back against the seat

Newtons second law of motion

Acceleration depends on the object's mass and on the net force
Acc= Net force/ mass

Newtons third law of motion

For every action, there is an equal but opposite
When a dog leaps it pushes down on the ground, it goes up by pushing down

How do satiellites stay in orbit?

Centripetal force, the force that causes an object to move in a circular path


100 less


1000 less


1000 more


The force exerted on a surface divdided by the total area over which force is exerted

Pressure formula

P= Force/area


A substance is its mass per unit volume

Density formula

D= Mass/volume


A material that can easily flow

How does elevation/depth effect fluid pressure?

The deeper you go, the more pressure

The Atomic theory of matter

Everything that has matter has atoms

What causes air pressure?

All the gases from the Earth's atmosphere press down on the Earth

Buoyant Force

The water and other fluids exerting an upward force

Hydraulic Device

Uses liquids to transmit pressure in a confined fluid

Archimedes Principle

The buoyant force acting on a submerged object is equal to the weight of the fluid the object displaces
- Explains why a ship floats because the larger the object, the more fluid displaced

Bernoullis Principle

The faster a fluid moves, the less pressure the fluid exerts

Pascals Principle

When force is applied to a confined fluid, the change in pressure is transmitted equally to all parts of the fluid
- The hydraulic device