Linear equations



Gradient Formula, how to find slope when given two points


The steepness of a line, represented by the letter m

Y= mx + b

Gradient-Intercept form of a linear equation where m represents the slope and b represents the y-intercept

Rate of Change

Term that means the SAME THING AS GRADIENT that we find by using the equation Y2-Y1/X2-X1


The point on a graph where a function crosses the x-axis (Where Y=0)


The point on a graph where a function crosses the y-axis (Where X=0), also called b

Coordinate Plane

The four quadrants of a graph where we plot points and graph lines


Refers to the incline of the gradient of a line


When lines have the same slope and will never cross (slopes are the same)


When lines intersect at a 90 degree angle (slopes are opposite reciprocal)

positive gradient

a line that goes up from left to right

Negative gradient

a line that goes down from left to right

No gradient

a line that goes horizontal

Undefined gradient

a line that goes vertical

Coordinate Pair

A point on the coordinate system (x,y)

Has a gradient of 5 and y-intercept of -3

y = 5x-3

Gradient = -2 and y-intercept of 3

y + 2x = 3