

supraspinatus muscle performs the following action


Which muscle is a synergist with the levator scapulae for its action on the scapula?

Upper trapezius

The deltoid muscle can be dived into how many divisions?


What are two fat based molecules that make up part of the structure of the plasma membrane?

Phospholipids and cholesterol

Which of the following is NOT an action of the serratus anterior?

Extend the shoulder

The coracobrachialis assists flexion of the shoulder and:

Coracoid process

The coracobrachialis inserts on the medial surface of middle shaft of humerus and originates on the:

Coracoid process

The pectoralis minor inserts on the coracoid process and originates on:


During this stage of mitosis, the DNA replicates:


The four prominent tendons on the dorsum of the hand belong to the:

Extensor digitorum

Which of the following is NOT an action of the pectoralis minor?

Flex the shoulder

What is the term that refers to small structures inside the cell; it means "little organs


The long head of the biceps brachii attaches to the tuberosity of the radius and to the:

Supraglenoid tubercle

What is the movement of substances across the cell membrane using cell energy and the movement without using energy?

Active and passive transport

Which of the following is NOT an action of the latissimus dorsi muscle on the shoulder joint?


The term profundus means:


Which triceps brachii head can perform extension of the shoulder and extension of the elbow?

Long head

During this stage of mitosis, the chromosomes align in the center of the cell.


What refers to the movement of fluids or dissolved molecules into the cell by trapping them in the plasma membrane?


What are the two nucleic acids that are involved in transcription?

DNA and mRNA

The pronator teres is found distal to the pronator quadratics.


The action of the anterior deltoid on the shoulder joint is:


What is the process in protein synthesis that forms the mRNA molecule?


The "lat's little helper" is the:

Teres major

During this stage of mitosis, the chromatin condenses into chromosomes.


What is the process in protein synthesis that uses the information from mRNA to build protein molecules.


What is a segment of base pairs in a chromosome?


The infraspinatus and teres minor muscles perform the following action on the shoulder joint.

Lateral rotation

How many vertebrae make up the lumbar spine?


The normal curve of the cervical and lumbar spine is called:


What is the total genetic information package in a cell?


The subscapularis originates on the:

Subscapular fossa

During this stage of mitosis the nuclear envelope and nuclei reappear.


Which of the following are the four main types of tissues in the body?

Epithelial, muscle, nerve, connective

Three of the rotator cuff muscles(sits) attach to the greater tubercle of the humerus, which of the sits muscles attach to the lesser tubercle of the humerus?




Which of the following does not describe ATLAS?


Which of the following does not describe AXIS?

No body

Which of the following is not a specialized form of diffusion?


The number of vertebrae in the thoracic spine is:


The space between the spinous process and transverse process is called:

Laminate groove

The levator scapulae attaches to the vertebral border of the scapula between the superior angle and the root of the spine of the scapula and to

Transverse processes c1 to c4

During this stage of mitosis the chromosomes move away from the center of the cell.


The primary action of the brachialis is:

Flexion of the elbow

The "anatomical snuffbox" is located just distal to the styloid process of the radius. The tendons which create the borders of the snuffbox are: (choose 2)

Extensor pollicis brevis
abductor pollicis longus

The word which means "an opening ".


The extensors attach via the extensor common tendon located on the:

Lateral epicondyle

A synergist to the supinator muscle is:

Biceps brachii

Which of the following is NOT part of the hypothenar eminence?

Opponens pollicis

The Latin word "thenar" means:


Which is the only bone that does not articulate with another bone?

a:swallowing bone

The extensors originate via the extensor common tendon located on the:

Lateral epicondyle

The extensor digitorum attaches to the lateral epicondyle and inserts on the:


The short head of the biceps brachii inserts in the tuberosity of the radius and originates on the:

Coracoid process

How many heads(bellies) does the triceps brachii have?


Which triceps brachii head can perform extension of the shoulder and extension of the elbow?

Long head

An abnormal lateral curvature of the spine is called:


Which of the following is NOT an attachment of the sternocleidomastoid muscle?


Which of the following is NOT an action of the sternocleidomastoid muscle?

Extension of the head and neck

Contraction of the right sternocleidomastoid will cause:

Left rotation of the head

Which muscle is the strongest muscle in the body relative to it's size?


The action of the masseter is to:

Elevate the mandible

The temporalis muscle originates on the temporal fossa and inserts on the

Coracoid process

The suprahyoid muscles can be palpated:

Along the underside of the jaw

Contraction of this muscle will create the infamous "Creature from the Black Lagoon" expression.


The occipitofrontalis muscle does NOT attach to the:


These muscles are located between the trachea and the anterior cervical spine:

Longus colli & capitis

Bilateral contraction of the splenius muscles will cause:

Extension of the head and neck

The middle scalene is the largest of the scalene muscles and originates on the posterior tubercles on the transverse processes of C2 to C7 inserts on the:

First room

Which of the following is NOT an action of the scalene muscles? (Attaches to the rib)

Elevation of the clavicle

Which thin superficial muscle spans from the anterior neck to the chest?


The fused joint formed by the manubrium and the body of the sternum is called:

Sternal angle

Which erector spinae attaches to the transverse processes along most of its length?


Which of the following is NOT an action of the erector spinae?

Rotation of the spine

A bifid spinous process is most likely to occur in the:

Cervical spine

Name the parts of the sternocleidomastoid:

mastoid process

What is the shoulder joint called?

glenohumeral joint