Religion and Life [1 markers]


Fundamentalist Christian

Christians who believe that the statements in the Bible are literally true

Liberal Christians

Christians who believe that the Bible's authors were guided by God, but not everything is written in a literal account


Marvelling at the complexity and beauty of the universe


A feeling of devout respect, mixed with fear or wonder


A duty to care for, or having control over something or someone


The ideas that believers have a duty to look after the environment on behalf of God


Dominance or power over something; having charge of something or ruling over it


The natural world; the surroundings in which someone lives

Natural Resources

Things the earth provides that will eventually run out as there is a limited amount of them


Misuse of the world and the environment

Sustainable development

Building and progress that try to reduce the impact on the natural world for future generations

Global warming

Pollution causing a hole in the ozone layer which means the planet is being increasingly heated up by the sun


Making something dirty and contaminated


Experimenting on animals


The process by which living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms of life during the history of the earth

Natural selection

The process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring. This process brings about evolution

Theistic Evolution

The belief that God created humans through the process of evolution

Sanctity of life

Life is sacred because it is God-given

Quality of life

The general well-being of a person in relation to their health, happiness, and the idea that the value of life depends on the level of satisfaction a person has about their life


To believe that life begins at conception and therefore abortion is wrong as it is murder


To believe that legalised abortion is acceptable as it is the mothers right to choose


The painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease. Performed by a doctor because s/he is unable to do it for them self

Life-support machine

A machine used by doctors to artificially keep a person alive through feeding tubes, heart pumping and breathing support

Palliative care

Pain relief treatment for someone suffering with a terminal illness, usually through morphine

Active Euthanasia

When active steps are taken to end someone's life, for example by giving them a lethal injection

Passive Euthanasia

When the dying person is allowed to die through taking away the medical support they have so the illness is allowed to kill them

Assisted suicide

When a person wishes to end their own life but need help from someone else to enable them to do so, eg to buy the tablets but the person takes for them self

Voluntary euthanasia

When the patient asks for help to die. This is the type of euthanasia that people are campaigning to have made legal in the UK


A home where people who are terminally ill might go for respite care to give their families a rest or they may choose to go there to die rather than go to a hospital


The legal process where a child is taken into someone else's family and is brought up as their son or daughter


Taking a child into a different family and bringing up the child in this family but legally the child still belongs to their birth parents. This can be short term or long term


The deliberate ending of a pregnancy, usually within 24 weeks in the UK