
Immunosupressive uses


Delicate balance


Under immunosuppression risks


Over immunosuppression risks


Adult kidney transplantation

- 100,000 people on waiting list for kidney txp
- source of organ dictates how long kidney will survive
- 25,000 txp/year (most are deceased donors)

Maintenance therapy (start on day 1)


Maintenance therapy goals


T-cell activation process


Calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs)

- binds to proteins cyclophilin or FKBP to inhibit calcineurin phosphatase
- complex inhibits de-phosphorylation of NFAT
- inhibits IL-2 gene transcription that activate T cells



Cyclosporin formulations

- Sandimmune (erratic bioavailability, variable absorption, nonlinear dose/conc response
- Neoral (less variability in absorption, more predictable dose/conc response)

Tacrolimus extended release


CNI absorption

- sig intestinal CYP3A4/5 metabolism/Pgp transport (only absorb 30%)
- lower F in AA, Hispanics, children, CF, early post-txp

CNI distribution


CNI dosing clinical pearls - doses/conc depend on:


CNI therapeutic drug monitoring

Narrow therapeutic index (NTI) drugs
- 12 hour troughs in morning prior to AM dose

CNI TDM goals

- CSA trough: 100-400 ng/mL
- TAC trough: 5-15 ng/mL



Mycophenolate MOA

MPA inhibits IMPDH, rate limiting enzyme in purine synthesis for lymphocytes > blocks purine synthesis > inhibits proliferation of lymphocytes (T and B cells)

Mycophenolic acid


Antiproliferative AEs

N/V, bone marrow suppression, diarrhea (Cellcept > Myfortic), birth defects, spontaneous abortion

mTOR inhibitors


mTOR inhibitor MOA

interfere with cell signaling for cell proliferation and cell cycle

mTOR inhibitor AEs

delayed wound healing, HLD/hypertriglyceridemia, bone marrow suppression, proteinuria/nephrotoxicity, mouth ulcers, acne, interstitial pneumonitis/BOOP, edema, HTN, delayed recover from ATN

mTOR target troughs

- sirolimus: 6-8 ng/mL (>12 months: 4-6 ng/mL)
- everolimus: 3-8 ng/mL