CHD 606 Ch. 11 Reality Therapy

What is important is not the way the real world exists but the way we perceive the world to exist.


Choice theory is the framework for the practice of reality therapy.


A good way to change behavior is for us to be self-critical.


It is important to explore the past as a way to change current behavior.


One of the therapist's functions is to make judgments about clients' present behavior.


The focus of reality therapy is on attitudes and feelings.


The use of contracts is often part of reality therapy.


Reality therapy is grounded on some existential concepts.


It is the client's responsibility to decide on the goals of therapy.


Exploring transference is a key part of the practice of reality therapy.


The founder of reality therapy is

William Glasser

According to this approach, insight

is not necessary for producing behavior change.

The view of human nature underlying reality therapy is

that we have a need for identity, that we need to feel loved and to love others, and that we need to feel worthwhile to ourselves and others.

Which is NOT a key concept of reality therapy?

unconscious motivation.

Which of the following is NOT true of reality therapy?

Working through the transference relationship is essential for therapy to occur.

Regarding the goals of reality therapy,

it is the client's responsibility to decide goals.

In reality therapy our quality world is likened to

a picture album.

Which statement is NOT true of reality therapy?

It focuses on attitude change as a prerequisite for behavior change.

Reality therapy was designed originally for working with

youthful offenders in detention facilities.

Which of the following would NOT be used by a reality therapist?

analysis of the transference relationship, hypnosis, the analysis of dreams, and the search for causes of current problems.

Which of the following statements is true as it applies to choice therapy?

We are motivated completely by internal forces, and our behavior is our best attempt to get what we want.

According to Glasser, all of the following are basic psychological needs except for


An axiom of choice theory is

although the past may have contributed to a current problem the past is never the problem.

Sometimes it seems as though people actually choose to be miserable (depressed). Glasser explains the dynamics of depressing as being based on

keeping anger under control, getting others to help us, and excusing our unwillingness to do something more effective.

All of the following are procedures in reality therapy that are said to lead to change except for

the therapist's evaluating of the client's behavior.