Ch. 6.1 Electric Charge and Static Electricity


Atoms contain charged particles called

protons and electrons

What happens when two electrons/protons come close together?

They repel each other

What happens if a proton and electron come close together?

They attract each other

Why do protons attracted electrons?

Because the two have opposite electric charges

What is the charge on a proton?


What is the charge on an electron?


How do charges interact?

Charges that are the same repel each other. Charges that are different attract each other.

What is the interaction between electric charges called?


Electric force

The force between charged objects

What is a gravitational field?

The space around an object where the objects gravitational force is exerted

A ___________ _____________ extends around a charge objects

Electric field

Electric field

a region around a charged object where the object's electric force is exerted on other charged objects

Electric fields and forces get weaker ...

The farther away they are from the charge

An electric field is _____________.


What do you use to represent electric fields?

Field lines

What does a field line show?

The force that would be exerted on a positive charge at any point along that line

Positive charges are __________________ by positive charge and ______________ to negative charges.

Repeled, attracted

Field lines point away from __________ charges and toward ___________ charges.

Positive, negative

Why do single charges have straight field lines ?

Since a positive will be repeled away from or attracted to it in a straight line

When multiple charges are present ...

Each charge exerts a force

What do the forces on the field line combine to make?

A more complicated field line

Most object have ___________ ___________ charge

No overall

An atom usually has as many electrons as it does protons ...

So each positive charge is balanced by a negative charge

Atoms are uncharged or ___________


How does an uncharged object become charged?

By gaining or losing electrons

When does an object have an overall positive charge?

When an object loses electrons because it is left with more protons than electrons

When does an object have an overall negative charge?

When it gains an electron

static electricity

The buildup of electric charges on an object

What happens in static electricity?

charges build up on an object, but they do not flow continuously

Charges are neither ________ nor _________.

created, destroyed

Law of Conservation of Change

states that charges are neither created nor destroyed

An object ___ become charged by destroying or creating its own electrons.


if one object loses electrons,

another object must pick them up

There are four methods by which charges can redistribute themselves to build up static electricity:

By friction, by conduction, by induction, and by polarization

When two uncharged objects are ____________, some electrons from one object can move onto the other object.

rubbed together

When an object gains an electron what happens?

It becomes negatively charged

When an object looses an electron what happens?

It becomes positively charged

Charging by _________ is the transfer of electrons from one uncharged object to another by rubbing the objects together.


when a charged object touches another object,

electrons can be transferred

Charging by conduction

the transfer of electrons from one object to another by direct contact

Electrons transfer from the object that has more ______________ charge to the object that has more _______________ charge.

Negative, positive

Electrons can react to the electric field of a charged object ________ touching the object itself.


What are some examples of materials that electrons can easily leave their atoms?


When a metal object is close to a negatively charged object, electrons are __________ by the field and move away from it.


The close end of the metal object becomes ________ charged


The far end of the metal object becomes _______ charged



A method of redistributing the charge on an object by means of the electric field of another object; the objects have no direct contact.


The process through which electrons are attracted to or repelled by an external electric field, causing the electrons to move within their own atoms

Charges don't transfer between object in __________________ or ____________, so neither method changes the overall charge of objects.

Polarization, induction

In induction and polarization,

parts of objects end up charged in opposite ways

Positvely charged objects gradually ________electrons from the air.


Negatively charged objects gradually __________electrons to the air.


T/F: Objects eventually become neutral again.


static discharge

The loss of static electricity as electric charges transfer from one object to another

Static discharge can be thought of as?

the movement of electrons

Why does static discharge often produce a spark?

moving electrons can heat the air around the path until glows.

What type of air condition do objects hold on to charge better?

Dry air

Why don't particles stay charged as long in humid weather?

bc water collects on the surfaces of objects , and the water picks up charge from the objects

Lighting bolts are an example of ______________ ___________.

static discharge

Negative charges at the bottom of storm clouds create _____ ______.

electric fields

How does lightning travel?

from negative to positive