Math unit 1


Increasing or decreasing without end


A number belonging to the set made up of the whole numbers and their opposites

Natural number

A number belonging to the set made up of the counting numbers: 1, 2, 3, and so on

Negative numbers

A number that is less than zero

Number line

A line that graphically represents all numbers


A dot that marks a location on a graph

Positive number

A number that is greater than zero

Whole number

A number belonging to the set made up of zero and the natural numbers

Absolute value

The distance from zero on the number line


Statement showing a relationship between numbers that are not necessarily equal; uses the symbols <, >, etc.

Opposite number

Two numbers that are the same distance from zero on the number line but in opposite directions


A number to be added


The result of adding two or more numbers together


The result of subtracting two numbers

Zero pair

A pair of numbers whose sum is zero


A number to be multiplied


The result of multiplying two or more numbers


The number being divided


The number of parts that the dividend is being divided into

Inverse operations

Opposite operations that undo one another


The result of dividing two numbers


The quotient of any number and zero


An object that belongs to the set; also called a member

Irrational number

A number that, when in decimal form, does not terminate or repeat

Rational number

A number that can be written as a ratio in fraction form

Real number

A number that can be written as an infinite decimal


A collection or group of objects


A set whose elements belong to a given set

Venn diagram

A diagram that shows the relationships between sets

Additive identity

The number 0; when added to any number, the value of a number does not change

Associative property

A property of the real numbers that states that how numbers are grouped in a sum or product does not change the value

Commutative property

A property of the real numbers that states that the order in which numbers are added or multiplied does not change the value

Multiplicative property

The number 1; when multiplied by any number, the value of the number does not change

Order of operations

A system for simplifying expressions that ensures that there is only one right answer