12711 Elementary Algebra

-1+-1 equals


-4 + -9 equals


-1+2 equals


-9 + 3 equals


I/3 is or is not an integer?

Is NOT an integer

A negative times a negative equals

A positive

If the signs are the same then you add the two numbers and?

Keep the sign

If the signs are different, subtract the two numbers and take?

The sign of the larger number (is taken when?)

In subtraction, change the sign of the second number, then add?

Then add the two numbers using the rules for addition

In multiplication if the signs of the two numbers are the same the answer is?


In multiplication ff the signs of the two numbers are different the answer is


An Irrational Number is a real number that cannot be written as?

A simple fraction

Every irrational number is a real number, true or false?

True (about irrational numbers)

Which is greater, a smaller negative number or a larger negative number?

A smaller negative number (is greater than?)

When multiplying fractions what do you do with the two fractions given?

You "just' multiply these together

7/15 - (-4/3) =


When subtracting a negative fraction from a positive fraction you

Changeing the minus to a plus and a negative to a positive occurs?

-9 - (-2) + 8 =


Zero is not a natural number


0.9 is or is not an integer?

This is not an integer

Is a fraction a rational number?

IS a rational number

Each of these is a real number


Each of these is not a rational number

Real numbers (aren't all)

Each of these IS a real number

Rational numbers

Each of these is a real number as well

Irrational numbers

Are not always integers

Irrational numbers

When subtracting a negative fraction from a positive fraction what do you do

Find the lowest common denominator and switch the negative fraction to a positive fraction

When adding two numbers with the same sign...

You add their absolute values and use the common sign as the sign of the sum