College Algebra!

F(x)= x

Domain: (-?���,?���)
Range: (-?���,?���)

F(x)= x^2

Domain: (-?���,?���)
Range: [0,?���)

F(x)= x^3

Domain: (-?���,?���)
Range: (-?���,?���)

Rational inverse
F(x)= 1/x

Domain: (-?���,0)U(0,?���)
Range: (-?���,0)U(0,?���)

Rational squared
F(x)= 1/x^2

Domain: (-?���,0)U(0,?���)
Range: (0,?���)

Absolute value
F(x)= |x|

Domain : (-?���,?���)
Range : [0,?���)

Square root

Domain: [0,?���)
Range: [0,?���)

F(x)= e^x

Domain: (-?���,?���)
Range: (0,?���)

Natural log
F(x)= In x

Domain: (0,?���)
Range: (-?���,?���)

F(x)= sin x

Domain: (-?���,?���)
Range: [-1,1]

quadratic formula

compound interest formula

simple interest formula

complex numbers

discriminant formula

if D> 0: 2 real solutions
if D<0: 2 non-real solutions
if D=0 : exactly 1 solution

factor by grouping

inequality signs

greater/ less than or equal to

filled in circle

greater than/ less than

open circle


midpoint formula

distance formula

standard form of a circle

center of the circle: (h,k)
radius: r

general form of a circle

positive slope

negative slope

zero slope


m= rise/ run

point slope form

m: slope of the line

slope intercept form

m: slope
b: y intercept

standard form slope and y intercept

Ax + By = C slope: m= -A/B
y intercept: C/B

horizontal line equation

y = b b: the y coordinate of any point on the line

two non-vertical lines are parallel if

they have the same slopes

two non-vertical lines are perpendicular if

the product of their slopes is -1

vertical line test

even function

symmetric across the y axis

odd function

symmetric across the origin

constant function

identity function

square function: f(x)= x^2

cube function: f(x)= x^3

absolute value function: f(x)= lxl

square root function: f(x)= sqrtx

cube root function: f(x)= 3sqrtx

reciprocal function: f(x)= 1/x

greatest integer function

y= -f(x)

reflection about the x-axis

y= f(-x)

reflection about the y-axis

vertical stretch y= af(x)

multiply each y coordinate by a

horizontal compression

a>1: divide each x coordinate of y= f(x) by a

horizontal stretch

0<a<1: divide each x coordinate of y= f(x) by a

finding the inverse of a function

quadratic function

the porabola opens up if

the leading coefficient a>0

the porabola opens down if

the leading coefficient a<0

the standard form of a quadratic function

the vertex of a porabola: (h,k)

vertex formula

long division

synthetic division

can only be used if divided by form (x-c)

complex conjugate pairs theorem

inverse variation

continuous compound interest formula

A: total amount after t years
P: original investment
r: interest rate per year
n: number of times interest is compounded per a year
t: number of years

method of relating the bases

if b^u= b^v then u=v