Algebra I - Chapters 0 & 1 - GRID

absolute value

The distance a number is from zero on a number line.


two numbers that have the same absolute value but have different signs

additive inverses

A number and its opposite, and can be used to subtract integers.

positive numbers

Numbers that have values greater than zero and are to the right of zero on a number line.

negative numbers

Numbers that have values less than zero and are to the left of zero on a number line.

natural numbers

1, 2, 3,...

whole numbers

0, 1, 2, 3, ...


All whole numbers (both positive and negative) and zero.

rational numbers

numbers that can be written as a fraction, and the denominator is not zero.

square root

one of the two equal factors of a numer

principal square root

the nonnegative square root of a number

perfect square

A number that has a rational number as the square root

irrational numbers

numbers that cannot be expressed as terminating or repeating decimals, or as a rational number

real numbers

the set of rational and irrational numbers together

to graph

to draw or plot the points named by those numbers on a number line


the number that corresponds to a point on a number line

algebraic expression

consists of sums and/or products of numbers and variables


symbols or letters used to represent unspecified numbers or values


may be a number, a variable, or a product or quotient of numbers and variables


the number attached to a variable with multiplication


the quantities being multiplied


the answer to a multiplication problem


is determined by the exponent


this indicates the number of times the base is used as a factor


the number that is the factor